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Shamir Miles

May 8, 2024Mari Parents House~~~

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May 8, 2024
Mari Parents House

"Damn you straight?"

I asked Camari once she got in the car. First off, she walked out here angry as hell then she had the nerve to slam the door. I ain't did shit to her, but to be honest I ain't even much feel like arguing with the girl.

"It's been a week, a FUCKING WEEK! I've been calling, texting and everything but still absolutely no response. Then I tried to call from Q phone but you still ain't answer. I should be asking are you straight!" Camari yelled flaring her arms as she rambled.

"I'm good."

"Yeah obviously, but I'm not. Before you even bring up the sex tape yes I've seen it. Yes I'm upset and no I didn't need your help a WEEK AGO when the news was freshly put out." She turned to face me, "What kinda boyfriend does that to his pregnant girlfriend? In what world did you think it was okay to ignore me for a week?"

"My fault, been trippin." I shrugged.

"Honestly just don't say shit to me. It's cool I'm gonna go in the house and not talk to you for a week since it's okay for you to do it."

I sighed, "Not that serious."

"Yes it is! I'm fucking pregnant with your baby and you telling me that we can go weeks without talking to each other? Are you serious?" She asked me widening her eyes.

"I never said that either, I been handling business. I understand you mad and shit but honestly it ain't that deep—"

This girl threw a whole cup of apple juice in my damn face. It wasn't no lil cup either, a whole long ass cup of this sticky shit.

"Man fuck what you gotta say honestly!"

She got out the car slamming the door yet again and I shook my head. I pulled my shirt over my head and used the dry parts of it to wipe the juice out my eyes. I opened the door getting out the car as well as she continued yelling at me.

"Telling me shit ain't deep...you're not me! Fuck what you gotta say Shamir and that's that!"

"And you think ima give the ring back after all this? I mean I'm finna get ready to explain myself and you throw this shit in my face? See nah it's cool." I wiped my face.

"Keep the ring then! You were supposed to been gave it back—"

"No, fuck outta here. Ima give it back when you actually deserve it. If you ever get the shit back now cause look at how you acting."

She shrugged, "Fuck it and fuck you too."

"I'm confused as to why you're so mad? You the one who left Florida to rush down here for your ex. I ain't even know you was posted up at the hospital but shit I know now. Then the sex tape dropped and it's floating around and people out here tagging and laughing at me too shit. On top of that I'm still dealing with shit regarding Kenzie and them other niggas. My fault for tryna juggle everything while tryna keep myself together."

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