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The girls are outside waiting for jinnie's joonie. Jinnie saw her boyfriend's car and wave. Namjoon parked his car and got out and greeted the duo, They greeted back. He opens the door for Jinnie and Tae.

Namjoon's outfit( without the mask)

While they were driving Tae asked Namjoon if she could drop her at his house which he nodded and dropped her

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While they were driving Tae asked Namjoon if she could drop her at his house which he nodded and dropped her.She thanked them and went inside.

'' Momma ''. Tae hears a familiar voice and smile.

'' Good morning my baby, how are you this morning? ''. She said and lifted the baby up.

'' I'm goosh '' Taejung said.

'' Chu knows what Momma '' . He said while pout.

'' What baby tell Momma ? ". She said and kissed his cheek.

'' Momma Taejungie ish hungley '' He toTae and rubbed his cute little tummy.

Tae nodded and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Taejungie patiently watches his momma cooking for him.

'' Jungie go and wake halmonie and dadda up ". She said. Taejung ran upstairs and woke his dadda and halmo up.

'' Dadda wake up ''. He said while shaking Jungkook's head.

" Son five more minutes ". He said because he feel sleepy

'' No Momma said gesh up now, I'm gonna wake monnie up. " He said and ran to Mrs.Jeon's room.

Jungkook woke up and do his morning routine hurriedly. And ran downstairs and saw the table was full of delicious foods. His eyes are wide to see his lover in the morning looking so beautiful and hot at the same time.He went and hugged her. Tae smiled and hugged him back.

Jungkook's outfit( Without mask )

'' Good morning my sleepy head ''

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'' Good morning my sleepy head ''. Tae said
'' Good morning love .'' He said while sniffing Tae's scent.

'' Go and have your breakfast. '' Tae said.
'' Okay but give me my morning kiss, Now I'm at 1%. " He said and leaned to kiss her to make his battery energy level to 100%.

Tae backs away from the kiss for air. They went to the dining room and saw their son and jungie's monie (Mrs.Jeon) waiting for them.

'' You guys wait ?". Shock Tae asked and they nod.

'' Why would we eat if you guys are gone ''. Mrs.Jeon said . Tae nodded and apologized for making them wait.

" It's okay dear " . Mrs.Jeon said and smiled.

Tae goes and sits beside Taejung and feeds him. Jungkook and his mother were watching the duo lovingly.

When they finish their breakfast, Tae insists that she will dress Taejungie up making Mrs.Jeon nodd and wash the dirty dishes.

" Now what my bubba wants to wear ?" . She said.

" Ish otay Momma you choose for Jungie ". He said excitedly. Tae nods and looks for perfect clothes for her son.

Taejungie's outfits

" Wow , my son is looking so handsome more than me "

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" Wow , my son is looking so handsome more than me ". Jungkook said making his son laugh.

" Yesh momma say I'm more handsome than chu " . He said making Jungkook laugh and his kiss cheeks.

" Why are you laughing he is right, my baby is more handsome than you " . Tae said making Jungkook cutely glared at her.

'' okay it's time for me and Momma to go to Uni ''. Jungkook says and his son nodded sadly. Tae is sad to see her Jungie sad. So, she went and lifted him up.

'' Is okay baby momma will come and play with if she is done with her school. She said lightening Taejung mood.

'' Otay Momma and me , chu , and dadda will watch ilonman ". He say. Tae put him down and went behind Jungkook.

( And they left )


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