My main Insta was hacked

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Hey guys. How've you all been? Hope the answer is that y'all have been doing well.

Anyways. So, yesterday, I fell for an Instagram hack. A cosplay account that I followed, and maybe followed me, had messaged me, asking for a favor. I thought they needed help. And when they sent me a screenshot, as if they had been locked out of an account and needed help, I sent my number like they asked. They then texted me and asked for all sorts of codes that were sent to my phone. I sent them all. Stupidly. Then, I tried to log into my Instagram, I couldn't. They changed the email, the password, and the phone number. So I got left with no way of getting into it. I told as many friends as I possibly could get to, but I couldn't tell everyone on my Instagram. The people also messaged my two alt accounts (the one I made for this book and another) and tried to scam again. But now I'm blocked on any account I may make. Some of my friends were blocked as well. I'm asking for help. Could y'all try to report the account as much as possible? I'll have proof it happened below. The proof will also come from people who realized it.



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