Chapter 1

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*Hey guys this a new book my last one got deleted some how. I hope you like it*

~Harry's P.O.V~

Today is the day I get to go back home. I'm so excited to finally meet Daxton, he was born when my band and I were on our world wide tour. Did you know I'm part of the Shaytards.


So Im at the door and I'm about to open the door.

"IM HOME!" I yell

~Shays P.O.V~

I was editing the vlog then I hear IM HOME! The I walk down the stairs and I see the famous brown curly hair.


"I'm glad to be back" he says

Then Colette walks in with Daxton.

"OMG is that Daxton" Harry says

~Harry's P.O.V~

"OMG is that Daxton" I say

Colette gives me Daxton and he starts crying.

"I'm sorry Harry he doesn't really know you" Colette says getting Daxton from me

"It's okay where are the rest of the kids?" I ask

"They are at school I am about to go get them want to come with me?" Colette asks


We got to the school and I hear "HARRY!" And I see Emmi, Ava, and Gavin running up to me and giving me a hug (Btw Brock is with shay I just didn't mention him).

"Hi guys, how have you been" I asked them

"Good" they all said

We were walking to the car when Ava asks.

"Do we get to see the boys again"

"Awe dose Ava have a crush" I tested her

"NO! I was just wondering"

"I Dont Know I would have to ask mom"


And we were on our way home.


Hi guys I'm sorry about my last book some how it got deleted. This one will kinda be like it. Well I hope you like it. Sorry if it's kinda short I'm camping right now. Well I just left but I was writing when I was camping but yeah. Don't forget to Comment, Vote, and Share. (Btw they do live in Idaho in this story and their album Four just came out)

Love You Guys😘😘 ~Amber

Falling For You (Shaytards and Harry Styles fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang