The game

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Hi I'm jack.

You know Jacksepticeye loudest Irish man on YouTube.Anyways I have a story to tell ye.Its about when I was just starting out on YouTube .This video was never posted so you won't find it any.So let's start from the beginning.

I had just got done recording happy wheels and I was looking for a new game to play.I had played a fan made game a few weeks ago.So I looked online and found a game that looked interesting.The name of the game was 'jacks curse'.The screen shots looked promising and the revues looked good...Except one.Since the site I was using only allowed your real name I recognized the name instantly.'Josh hunts'.I read about him online.He had gone missing a few weeks ago.His necklace he wore was found outside of his room.His comment since there was a lot of spelling errors.I tried to spell everything correctly.It said"Don't play this game.It will kill you.Do".Then it stopped.It was posted but not finished so I just dismissed it.Still it was nagging at my head.So I bought the game.It took a while to install.Halfway through the installation my monster flashed a deep shade of green.I didn't think much of it but it added to that nagging at the back of my head.After it installed I went

I don't know why but I didn't even get dressed just got up washed my face brushed my teeth.I sat down and loaded up the game.The title screen sent a chill down my spine.It was a picture of me or something that looked like me.He was wearing a black shirt with my septic eye on it.It had a darker shade of green and blue than the normal one.His eyes were a deep black and his smile was horrifying.

I turned on my webcam and started recording."Hello everybody and welcome to jacks curse.A fan made game for me.Uh..I read the reviews for this game and all but one were good.But that's not what scared me".I made a scared face."Its this title screen".I clicked on the start button and a creepy sound blasted in my ears.I ripped off my headphones and screamed."My ear holes".I slowly put my headphones back on and looked at the screen.My character me was sitting in a chair I front of a computer.It was me.I was sitting in my room.It looked just like my room down to every detail.

But what scared me the most is that me in the game was dressed just like I was now."What the fook.Thats scary as balls".It took me a moment but I finally figured out the controls and moved around my room.I went down stairs and into the bathroom.There was an option to use the restroom so being myself I did.The screen went dark with the sounds of someone using the rest rums.Then the screen went back to me in my room.It was dark outside now and I was I front of my bed and it said press "f"to sleep.I pressed f and the screen went black.When the colors came back to the screen everything was different.Blood was coming down from the walls.There where morbid pictures of disembodied eyes and people on the wall."wh..what happened to happy fun times why is there all the blood"?I moved the player around and then headed down stairs.In the kitchen the light were out and it was hard to see anything.

After a few moments something sent a chill up my spine.A dark figure standing in the hallway.Two big red dots for eyes.The figure wore a dress and had long hair.So my guess it was a girl.It just stayed there.I froze and looked at my camera."What the f are you".I started to wish I hadn't said that because it started to move forward.Then with its right index finger it pointed at me and said "jack,come here jack".I panicked and turned my character around just to see another figure. Standing there.It looked exactly the same as the other one.Having no where to go I just sank down in my chair and scrunched up my face."No,no,no,no".I. Screamed at my screen.Then as they got closer the screen started to go turning to static like in slender man.Then just before they reached me my screen went dark.Then it showed a picture of a girl.Wearing a white dress.She had blue eyes and black hair."um...ok".I let out a chuckle and then clicked my mouse twice.Then the screen went black again.This time it had the words "Behind you".Instantly I felt a hand grab my shoulder and a women's voice whisper in my ear "hello jack".

I jumped out of my chair and onto the floor spinning so I could look behind me.There was no one there and since no one else was home it just added to the feeling something was there.My head phones had been ripped from my ears and it felt like they were plugged in but when I looked at there port they weren't plugged in.Even though I fell out of my chair they shouldn't have been unplugged in the fall.I grabbed my webcam and shuffled through my house.And found nothing.
I didn't upload the video and deleted the game.Ever since then I see things out the corner of my eye.

"Oh well".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2015 ⏰

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