Your Protector- Prologue

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        Zeal padded through the rain, his fur wet from heavy rain. He couldn't see anything because of his bandages. They were aslo wet from rain water, he thought they might fall of if they got anymore water on them. He heard the distant cry of a small animal. But didn't know where from. He walked on keeping quite in the rain. Soon he heard a bark of anger, and a meow for help and a splash of water. He looked up with a jolt, making his bandages fall of his face. He saw a white wolf, with a huge gash in his stomach holding a yellow kit in it's mouth. He growled his green eyes full of fury for a fellow wolf attacking such I weak animal. The kitten whined as the wolf bit down on her ear, leaving a bleeding wound. Zeal jumped at the white wolf making the larger animal drop the kitten. The wolf jumped for Zeal grabing his scruff. Zeal wiggled out and scratched the wolf's stomach, opening up the wound further and making organs and intestents fall out of the huge animal. Zeal squeaked in suprise, he should have died instently why didn't he? But the wolf howled in pain and feld leaving a trail of organs and blood behind.

         The dark wolf turned and grabbed the kitten out of the water and licked it clean. It meowed and purred at being clean. "Hello little kitty," he barked quitely. "You can stay with me for a while I guess." He  then put the kitten by his side and drifted of to sleep, trying to keep it as dry as possible from the rain. "Good night kitty." He said to the now sleeping kit before drifting of to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2013 ⏰

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