What To Do Now?

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(The art is mine this time it's not great but I'm kinda proud)

Gus's POV
Same day on Sunday at around 4:30

I'm sitting on my desk, making tiny little illusions of my friends to keep me company, I'm really bored right now but everyone is busy, Luz is busy helping Eda with something, Amity is stuck at home with her parents, and Willow is having a plant emergency? What ever that means I don't question it. I lose train of thought and my Illusions disappear. Then I get an idea.

What if I asked Matt? Well I think we're friends... he never confirmed it, but I might as well ask I grab my scroll and scrolled to Matt's contact called *Construction Jerk*

Gus: Heyyyyy

He responded really fast?!

Matt: What do you want?

Gus: why do you add periods to the end of your sentences when texting :/

Matt: It's grammatically correct idiot and what's this :/?

Gus: It's a little face if you turn your scroll sideways

Matt: Whatever, anyways what do you want?

Gus: Oh I was wondering if you wanted to hang out :)

Matt's POV

As I read Gus's message my heart started racing and I couldn't think straight... me, Gus wanted to hang out with ME, why was this a trick, Gus has so many friends why would he want to hang out with? Are we even friends. I feel like I can hardly breathe. "Play it cool Matt it's just a hangout it's not that big of a deal" I mumble to myself.

Matt: Yea sure whatever squirt

Gus: You didn't add a period to the end of that ;)

Shoot I was so nervous I forgot a period (My dude really stressing over a period)

Matt: Ugh whatever!

Gus: Hehehe :3 anyway what time do you want to hang out I'm free whenever

Matt: I'm free right now I guess, just give me like 10 minutes.

(Hehe cliffhanger. ;) don't worry I'll update it later today)

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