Chapter One.

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I woke up to Wanda watching me sleep again, she seems to watch me sleep every night, I rubbed my eyes as I rolled over, Wanda smiled softly as she put her notebook down and climbed into my bed, she smiled as she ran her fingers through my hair.
She whispered 'Good morning sleepy head!' She moved closer and whispered in a sing song voice 'I made you a gorgeous cup of coffee.. Just the way you like it!'
I looked up at her with one eye open, Wanda smirked and picked up the cup from the bedside table as she moved a little closer.
'Sit up just a little bit or lean on me and I'll give you the cup.' She whispered, she took a small sip and smiled as she said 'It's at a perfect drinking temperature.'
I moved up a little and smiled as she put her arm around me, she pulled me up a little and let me lean against her, she put the cup into my hands and I started to drink it.
'How is it?' She whispered in my ear her nose brushing against the side of my face.
'Mmmm it's perfect, just like you!' I whispered back as the warm coffee went down my throat and started to warm up my hands.
Wanda held me close as I drank my coffee, she pulled up the covers to keep me warm.
'So what's our plan today?' I asked.
'Hmm how about I take you into town, we can get you some new books, a new journal and some wine. Then we come back home, I cook us a delicious meal while you write about whatever it is that is in that pretty mind of yours and then we eat, watch a movie and relax for a change. But I do need to get some blood from the hospital so I'm unfortunately going to have to leave you for a bit!' She replied.
I finished my coffee as I listened to Wanda, she took my cup and put it on the bedside table as I was about to get up, she pulled me back into her arms and smiled.
'Going out sounds good and I do love your cooking. I could come to the hospital with you and help you by causing a distraction while you get your supply and..'
I turned around in her arms to look at her, I cupped her face as I continued, ' And you need to feed before we go into town or you'll be at risk of getting found out! So please just feed from me now so you'll be comfortable enough to come to town and then do your hospital run!'
Wanda kept her arms around my waist as she sat me on her lap facing her.
'Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you!' She said.
I smiled and nodded, 'I am very sure, I know you won't hurt me, hell you won't let anything or anyone come close enough to hurt me anyway so I think you'll be just fine.' I reassured her.
Wanda pulled me close as her fangs came out and the veins under her eyes popped up, she asked nicely 'Are you ready and sure I can do this?'
I moved closer to her and nodded softly as I replied 'I am ready and certain about this. You need my help just like I need yours too, so go ahead okay?'
Wanda gently sank her fangs into my neck as carefully as possible, I gasped a little as I wrapped my arms around her shoulders, I rubbed her shoulder as a message that I'm okay, she started to drink from me, she stopped after a little bit and did not loose a single drop. She quickly put a plaster on my neck over the bite mark, she licked her lips and looked at me.
'Thank you Sweetness! Are you okay?' She said as she kept me close.
I cuddled into her neck and relaxed.
'You're welcome and I'm okay just a little tired now which is normal.' I replied softly.
Wanda rubbed my back and cuddles me.
'I'm sorry for making you tired! I can make you another coffee before we head out but after our cuddle though.' Wanda said softly.
I nudged her chest sleepily and she smiled.
'No need to be sorry!' I chuckled softly.
'Not as strong I see! We will sort that out in a bit, you'll get your strength back and you'll be perfectly fine again.' Wanda says with certainty and confidence.
We cuddled up for a few more hours before she moved me off her chest and sat me up in bed, she got out of bed and vamp sped into the kitchen where she placed my mug in the coffee machine and made me a black coffee with four teaspoons of sugar in it, she stirs the coffee and smiles knowing it will wake me up a bit more, she made me a slice of marmite on toast while she was in the kitchen.
I got myself out of bed and dressed into slightly dark blue jeans and a grey V neck T-shirt, I walked over to my desk, opened my journal and started to write, Wanda made her way back up to the bedroom with coffee and some toast, she sighed softly seeing me up, dressed and sat at my desk, she walked over and put the coffee and toast in front of my journal, she kissed my cheek.
'You're suppose to be in bed where I left you! And yet here you are not in bed and fully dressed.' Wanda said with a slight smile.
I smiled and giggled a little as I replied 'Nope I'm not in bed, but I'm sat down so you can't tell me off or get worried and protective!'
Wanda chuckled softly.
'I'm glad you are sat down, eat and drink please because you need your strength back before I even let you take a step near the front door! I will always worry and be protective over you.' Wanda said as she rubbed my shoulders while she stood behind me.
'May I know what you're writing about?' She continued to ask in a soft wondering tone.
I smiled and quickly ate my toast and drank half my coffee as she asked the question.
'Well I'm just writing down the dream I had and what we are up too but don't worry because no one will read it.' I replied to her question.
'So you write down anything and everything? Thoughts, feelings, places you go, places you've been, things you like, things you don't, plans and hopes and dreams? Forgive me for being nosey.' Wanda questioned kindly as she could, while she rubbed the tops of my arms not looking at my journal.
'Yep basically, I write everything down so I can remember it, reread it whenever and if I choose too.' I replied with a smile as I closed my journal and finished my coffee.
'So shall we get into the car?' I asked as I looked up at her.
Wanda smiled softly and stepped back as she held out her hands. 'Stand up and let's see if you're able to stay up without passing out.' She asked nicely.
I stood up and walked over to her, I put my hands in hers as I smiled.
'You're doing good! Okay then so we will go but we will be quick and then when we get home I want you to rest okay? The only reason why I'm not canceling todays trip is because I promised you last night that I'd take you to the bookstore and I need more blood so we will go slowly and I will not leave your side for a second, so if you start to feel sick or faint then tell me okay? Better yet drink this!' Wanda said as she bit her wrist and brought it to my lips.
'I'll be okay, I feel normal now so it's okay. Let's go and I promise to tell you if I feel sick or faint I promise!' I replied as I watched her wrist heal and pulled her into a cuddle. She held me closely and smiled softly.
'Very well, let's head on out. We can do the hospital trip first and then we can spend as long as you want at the bookstore okay?' She asked as she smiled.
'Sounds like a perfect plan to me. Let's go!' I replied as I picked up my wallet and phone, Wanda walked downstairs with me. We put our boots on and she grabbed her car keys and her wallet too, she unlocked and opened the front door as she held my jacket in her hand.
'Let's go, put your coat on please! It's cold and I don't want to risk getting you sick!' Wanda told me as she held out my coat, I smiled and put it on as we both headed outside.
We got into the car and drove to the hospital, she made me wait in the car as she used her vamp speed, she was in and out in less than two minutes, she put the blood bags into the boot of the car and then got back into the drivers seat. Wanda drove us to the bookstore and on the way we chatted about food and what books we'd buy when we get there. Wanda parked the car and we got out, we walked into the bookstore together and she never left my side for a single second, we picked out a few books and I picked out a new journal, we paid for our items and made our way back to the car.
Wanda drove us home and we went back inside the house, she closed and locked the front door while I took off my shoes and coat. We went into the living room, Wanda made sure I was comfortable and focused on my new books before she walked into the kitchen. Wanda started to cook for us as I focused on one of my new books, I led back on the couch and started to read Interview With The Vampire.
A little while later after we ate, Wanda and I went back upstairs, I put away my new books on the shelf and kept one book out and put it on the bedside table, I got ready for bed and sat up on my bed, Wanda got changed and climbed into bed with me, I cuddled up to her and smiled.
'Thank you for a lovely day today!' I said sleepily.
'You're most welcome Darling! Thank you for eating better today.' Wanda replied softly as she ran her fingers up and down my back.
'Did you drink enough blood today?' I asked softly.
'I sure did thank you.' She replied with a smile she then went on and said 'You should sleep my Darling, it's been a long day for you.' She rubbed my back and dimmed the lights which made me more sleepier, I yawned and mumbled a little. Wanda smiled softly as I fell asleep. She pulled up the covers, she pressed a kiss on my temple before she went to sleep for a while.

Written By Ryan Wright.

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