pt.1 {Felix Time!}

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TW: Abuse, neglect, S/H, mentions of murder, murder, slurs

Felix sat in his room quietly. He was careful to not make a sound. The slightest noise could get him hit. It was sad. He wanted to be normal, but he was far from it, and his foster parents knew it. Felix sat in a corner shaking hands. He was only in foster care because his parents got arrested for first-degree murder and abuse. They abused Felix, but not like they did to their daughters. Felix had 2 sisters. Both girls were murdered at the hands of their parents.

Felix sat there recalling his parents. He watched everything happen. He knew they planned it out. They had bought bottles of bleach and gloves from the store hours before they had finally killed their only two girls. They were young. Felix was the middle child. His older sister, Ji-eun, was 19. His younger sister, Hyun-seo, was 6. Felix was only 12 when he watched his only siblings get killed. He was sent to foster care shortly after.

He never received mental help for anything he'd gone through. They just threw him in foster care and expected him to forget. Those things were unforgettable though, and many people knew that. The now 16-year-old boy was sitting in an empty room shaking in a corner. His foster parents didn't care for his well-being. They only acted like they cared in public. Felix couldn't escape. He began to feel numb to the beatings. Somehow, he began finding enjoyment in them.

He laughed to himself. He made noise. He wasn't allowed to do that. He heard the footsteps almost instantly. They were fast. The same fear that he felt when he was 12 came flooding back. He heard something different. He's never been this scared of them before. He assumed the click was the door, but no. It was a gun. A revolver. The man whom his foster mother was sleeping with had a gun. No one in this house was sane. That was a very obvious thing.

"The fuck are you laughing at? You're not allowed to make fucking noise you fag." The Man harshly spoke. Opportunity rose the moment that man stepped into Felix's room. The 16-year-old stood up swiftly and shut the door, locking it behind him. The Man knew Felix had issues. He knew he was smart. He knew Felix was fast. He just didn't know how smart and how fast. He also didn't know the issues Felix had. Felix himself didn't know. He knew he had PTSD, but he didn't know what else.

"Hi." Felix smiled weirdly as he leaned on the door. The Man, that's what Felix called him. The Man tightened his grip on his revolver as he looked at the freckled boy. Felix looked at the man who now had fear written all over his face. With a small smile, Felix gently took the gun from his hand and fired it. He shot himself in the arm first, smiling at the pain. He then handed the revolver back to The Man who stared in confusion. Felix then took a vase and shattered it on the wall before picking up a sharp piece and began stabbing the man.

Felix knew the neighbors would call the police soon, so he shot himself in the leg. He saw the flashing red and blue lights outside. Carefully, he placed the gun back in The Man's hand and picked up the piece of the vase he used before. Felix faked being scared. He was playing it off as self-defense. He knew the officers would fall for it. When he heard banging on the door he unlocked it and carefully opened it.

"O-officer... I killed him... he threw a vase at me and shot me. I'm sorry I was just so scared!" Felix began sobbing as he dropped to the floor. The officer felt horrible. He noticed Felix immediately. All he saw was a poor, scared, tired boy. Felix knew. Felix knows a lot. The officer called for backup as he lifted the boy. Felix saw his foster mother run down the hall. She ignored Felix and looked for The Man.

"Babe! Oh my god, what happened to you?" She panicked. She looked around the mostly empty room, the shattered vase caught her attention. Felix just watched her, he felt a mix of fear and amusement. The officer looked upset, how can she not care about her child? She looked at Felix, his crying looked so genuine as he held onto the officer's arm. She finally noticed the shard in Felix's hand. Filled with anger, she walked up to Felix and pulled his hair.

"You dirty fucking manipulator!" She shouted as she shoved the officer away from Felix. She began beating the 16-year-old boy mercilessly. The last thing Felix saw was the officer over him. After that, he passed out and didn't wake up for a while. Felix had lost a lot of blood without noticing it. The other officers arrived and dragged the woman into a police car. She was charged with Abuse and Neglect. Felix was given a 2-year sentence for third-degree murder. He spent his 2 years happy, which was weird, but he felt free.

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