Chapter Seven: The Crash Site

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You know what's been really bothering me? The sun. Everyday it's shining and I'm getting tired of it. It gives you sunburn, which sucks, and it causes you to drink water more frequently.

While we're walking down this road, the sun continues to shine down on our necks and faces. It's a little warmer than usual today, which is bad because we're already exhausted. Also, because we're almost out of food and water. We have roughly a two day's worth of food left, and there's only two bottles of water for all of us to share.We need to find supplies. Fast.

"Okay", Lucy announces, panting the words out, "Let's take a quick break."

Everyone immediately collapses on something near them. Jesse and Henry head into the woods for a bathroom break while the rest of us stay here. I open my backpack and find my bottle of water, which is almost full. I offer the bottle to Grace who is standing next to me, but she shakes her head.

"You need to drink some water, Grace. You gotta keep your energy up", I tell her.Hesitant at first, Grace opens the bottle, takes a sip, and hands it back to me. Besides the food shortage, get this. We're not going to Washington, D.C.We talked about it a lot yesterday and half of the group wanted to go. The other half didn't. Then it was down to me to vote.

After thinking about it for a few moments, I voted that we don't go to Washington, breaking the tie.So now, Gordon and Mary are a little pissed. Especially at me. Every time I catch them looking at me they give this hate stare. Gosh. Maybe I should have voted that we go to Washington.

"Guys!", I hear Jesse yell, "Come over here! Now!"Anna, Matt, and Duncan jump to their feet and run towards Jesse along with me and Grace. We find Jesse and Henry at the edge of a field.

There in front of them was the wreckage of a huge plane.It looks old, probably from when the Great Plague first hit. Debris, suitcases, and even a few corpses lay scattered across the field. One walker is pinned under a piece of the plane. It reaches its free arm towards us, snarling and gnashing its rotten teeth. "What is it?", Thomas asks from behind us, curious about what we found.

"Go back with the others, Thomas", Matt commands, "Now." Thomas then turns around and runs back to the others back at the side of the road. "We should look for supplies", Anna says, "We're gonna need some."

With that being said, everyone spreads out to get whatever we can find. But first, I approach the trapped walker and put it out of its misery with my knife. I start searching by unzipping a large blue suitcase. Inside there's mostly clothes, but I dig around and find a small bottle of aspirin.I put the medicine in my backpack for now. Over the next few minutes, everyone else manages to find some water, canned food, and bandages.

The canned food should last us a couple days. As I approach a large section of the airplane, I start to hear moaning. It must be a walker, so I take out my hammer that I've had for a while now. There, trapped in its seat, is a walker.

But this walker is a little girl, maybe six or seven years old, wearing a pink shirt and jean shorts. She has dark brown hair and grayish blue eyes. She sees me, and tries to reach for me with her bony arms. I call the others over here.

We stare at the little girl for what seems like an eternity, then Anna and Duncan start to leave.

"We can't just leave her here like this", Grace says. Anna and Duncan ignore her and continue walking. I guess I have to do it. I ready my hammer, stare at the girl for a moment, then I end her life as a mindless monster.

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