Chapter 1: Rebuilding.

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"Dear diary

Today was horrible. Jupiter sent his forces out into my town, and slaughtered my friends and family. The rebels tried their hardest to protect this town, but in the end failed. The town didn't just have some kindhearted people, but useful resources for weapons, armor, and ammunition. The fucking empire purged all of it. We salvaged what we could, but only found corpses. When will this war ever end...

Love, Vix. P.S. The Cellfire generated a flower for me, as a form of comfort. Maybe it is sentient after all..."

She put the book down and looked at the flower. It was metallic, with bright brown colors gleaming from it. Vix didn't know much about how the Cellfire functioned, despite having literally built it. The backpack would randomly make things, without her prompting a crafting order, but she didn't mind. It always made things for her comfort. Pulling fiery red hair her back, she looked at the sky and frowned. There's no end to this war, there's no end to her suffering, and there doesn't seem to be any light for the coming future. She wonders if she should just succumb to the empire and abide by their rules. But no. They've killed all that Vix loved. She had to fight, she had to stop their corruption, she just had to.

Vix got up, gathered all her things, and put them inside the Cellfire. She began walking towards her room. Suddenly, she stopped dead in her tracks, gasping and staring at the little device. A small door on the side of the pack opened, revealing a compartment full of gears. Vix knelt down and looked around. "What the hell is this?" She thought. As she took one of the gears, she felt the rust and dust of the metal. It was rough, and gave off a morbid smell that could pierce even the sickest nose. She looked around, but found no one. Who could have left this here? Vix gathered the gears and placed them inside the Cellfire. With a click, she closed it, then stood up and walked away. "Time to keep moving. I need to get these supplies, find some food and water." And maybe sleep. Sleep sounds good right now. She walked into her room, opened the window, and jumped onto the ladder. She climbed to the rooftop of the sleeping building, where her last allies reside. As she looked up at the floating city of R0M3, she wondered what the residents of the city saw her and the rest of the rebellion as. Could they see them as terrorists? Or maybe as heroes? No one knew for sure. All one could do, was sit and ponder...

"Hey, Vix, wake it!" A voice startled Vix awake. Before her stood a beautiful brown skinned woman, with curly hair, and goggles that shined the reflection of the sun. It was M1n3rva (or Minerva as everyone calls her), one of the rebellion's generals. "Oh, hello ma'am!" Vix stood up straight, arms to her side. Minerva chuckled and pat Vix's back. "There's no need for that, we're not in battle. You can treat me as a friend." She claimed, with a smile across her lips. It was impossible not to feel comfortable around Minerva. Vix nodded and asked "So what is it Minerva?" Minerva looked down, as if hesitating to speak. "Well, we were hoping you'd do us a little favor..." "We? Us?" "The council." Vix stepped back, shocked that the council would even ask a simpleton like her for anything. She felt a great sense of honor, and a tad bit nervous. "What's the favor?" She asked, gleaming eyed as she looked at Minerva. "Well, we don't wanna ask too much, but could you maybe infiltrate a small Roman base in the middle of the undercity?" Minerva tapped her foot and scratched the back of her head, "Your weird craftpack or whatever is really useful, but only you know how to use it, so you're the only one for the mission." Vix jumped up and down (in her mind) and nodded. "Yes of course! Anything for the rebellion!" She exclaimed. 

A few hours later, Vix exited through the front gate of the R&D compound, which was the headquarters of the rebellion. On her back was The Cellfire. She walked straight ahead and took out a map from a pouch attached to her belt. She looked back at the compound, and sighed. A few rebels had been working for hours rebuilding the base, and they always seem so tired. Vix felt bad for them, as they had lost so much in the war, yet here they are. She pressed a button on the Cellfire, and it spawned a holographic screen. In an instant, she typed in a few things, which caused the screen to beam certain objects from the ground. A few moments passed, and she clicked a green button on the screen. The Cellfire's gears turned quietly, and eventually, a few small cups came out the bottom compartment. Vix headed to the rebels and gave them all the cups. The cups were made from wood and stone, but had a comforting design. One of the workers nodded at Vix and said "Thanks." She nodded back, and begun running towards where the map told her to go.

"Rebuilding is hard, especially on an emotional scale. One must endure the loss, before enduring the work."

- The Green Flame.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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