2. say white lies to your face

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That night, Jin held Yoongi in his arms for a long time, in silence, letting the warmth of his body soothe him, only moving his hand to caress the man's hair until he felt how slowly his breathing calmed down, indicating that he had finally fallen asleep.

Jin sighed as he carefully laid Yoongi's body on the couch. It hadn't been his intention to make him feel bad about that careless comment. He knew that the connection he shared with the younger one went beyond the physical; that had always been quite clear to them and everyone around them.

If he were honest with himself, Yoongi was probably the person closest to him for several years. He knew everything from the most superficial things, like his favorite colors being pink and blue, to how EatJin had originated with the idea of helping other people, but also himself. Because, at some point and for a reason he could never understand, everyone focused on wanting to destroy him; seeking and attacking every flaw they could find, making him terrified to check his phone because he only saw hatred in all the words people left. This was the beginning of a conflicted relationship with food, as it was the only thing where he felt he had control.

Even now, he still remembered the days when he couldn't look in the mirror for a couple of seconds, and getting out of bed seemed impossible because he felt truly exhausted. That time when everything felt darker, harder. And who was always there for him? Yoongi, holding him, embracing him, even when physical contact was not his preference, trying to support him in any way he could, and vice versa.


Even now, he was there with him, giving in to an idea that probably never would have crossed the mind of either of them if it hadn't been for the alcohol in their blood, and in Seokjin's case, a broken heart in his chest.

Was it okay with what they were doing?

He's not entirely sure because, well, having sex with your best friend opened the door to countless situations he wasn't willing to face. Therefore, the idea of ending whatever they had at the moment was latent, becoming more structured and seeping into most of his thoughts day by day. Maybe it would be more accurate to end everything without complications and go back to how they were before. After all, they were about to reach their thirties, and soon they would start seeking more stability. And what stability could being friends with benefits provide? What kind of contribution could it make if not simply satisfying a carnal desire?


Therefore, at some point soon, the time will come, and Jin will set Yoongi free because he is aware that he deserves more than anyone in the world to find someone who makes him overwhelmingly happy and deeply loved for a lifetime, and he wanted to be there to see it.

He ran a hand over his face. Suddenly, he felt tired, so he carefully settled into the other armchair and closed his eyes with that idea swirling in his head.

When would it all come to an end? What would be the right moment?

After that night, their next encounter was a few days later at Jin's apartment, accompanied by the rest of the members. The elder had wanted to prepare dinner for everyone since, despite seeing each other individually, it had been a while since they were together as a group in something other than interviews, concerts, or events, and there were only a few months left before Jin enlisted.

"Jin-hyung, it's delicious," praised Jungkook with a furrowed brow.

The others nodded to show their agreement with the youngest.

"I didn't think you were so good at cooking Thai food. When did you learn?" questioned Jimin as he took a sip of beer.

"Oh, I think we never told you, but Yoongi and I enrolled in a cooking course four months ago," Jin revealed.

...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora