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"What is this exactly?" Y/n's fingers ran over the mark on his neck; both in wonder and confusion; "I've..never—Your Highness, did you just mark me?"

The mark was glaringly obvious to those who merely even glanced at it; it was completely black, and was the very image of the royal symbol. It was almost like...the Crown Prince had staked claim on him. Something that remained; forever tying him to...

Aristidis reached out, his hand gently cupping Y/n's face. His thumb caressed the mark on Y/n's neck, and the tenderness in his touch juxtaposed with the ferocity that had brought them to this moment.

Needless to say, Y/n was conflicted. He had known what he had been getting himself into—yet the fervent desire that the Prince had displayed; down to this very action—had not been expected. The way Aristidis's eyes gleamed with adoration and tenderness yet also with intensity, Y/n had a feeling he was now entangled with the yandere lead.

A light hearted joke?

Something to brush this whole thing off?

What would be ideal?

Aristidis' grip tightened ever so slightly, his eyes holding Y/n's in an unyielding gaze. Y/n took in a sharp breath; as he felt the same intense sensation on his neck; circling him. Like a predator circling his prey..

"That is a way to say it," Aristidis said, his voice measured and calm—the very opposite of the turmoil in Y/n's stomach—"perhaps it was in a fit of desperation."

How can you look upon the very mark of the royal symbol of my neck so calmly?

"Rumors will fly, Your Highness," Y/n said at last, "I hardly think merely helping my sister warranted such...desperation, as you say."

"Merely helping your sister?" Aristidis repeated, his breath close to Y/n's ear—"you excluded putting yourself at risk. Do you not understand how to prioritize your own safety? Tell me, Livio—is your sister's life truly worth more than yours?"

Y/n stilled, silent. There was nothing he could say to that. Perhaps he did look like a fool—perhaps Angelina didn't need his help in the first place.

The realization hit hard—that perhaps he had been careless, reckless even, in his eagerness to protect his sister.

"Your selflessness is something admirable—but I would rather you be safe. It's...a selfish whim of mine—I must admit; but my biggest fear.." Aristidis looked away briefly, "is you getting hurt. The mark—serves both as a warning to those who dare to attempt this again; as well as a reminder to others.."

Y/n managed to find his voice and opened his mouth. His voice came off weak and confused; as he asked: "is it permanent? The mark..is it permanent?"

There was a flicker of indecipherable emotion in Aristidis's eyes, as the Prince grazed his neck. Y/n immediately knew the answer.

"Yes," he admitted, "it is."


The Crown Prince was really..in love.

Or was it obsessed? Or both?

Great. Now this just meant he had to cover up his neck all the time; but he doubted Aristidis would be very pleased if he did that. To begin with..he was surprised himself he was taking this so lightly; so casually. Perhaps the fact there was a whole royal symbol on his neck didn't register in his brain yet.

But..I'm sure there's another purpose for it.

Marks, especially in worlds like this—an otome game, especially—probably served as some sort of binding—to bind one character to another. So assuming it worked that way, Y/n was now..

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