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With the special events over i hadn't seen Yua in a while, she didn't contact me for a while, leaving a sense of unease hanging in the air. I couldn't help but worry, the minutes stretching into hours without a word from her. It was unusual, even for her, and a gnawing feeling of concern gnawed at the edges of my mind. Yet, I tried to dismiss it as nothing out of the ordinary, chalking it up to her often unpredictable nature.

To clear my head, I decided to embark on a solo adventure in the less perilous regions of the dungeon. I knew these areas like the back of my hand – relatively safe and teeming with easy experience points. With Chris and Alex occupied elsewhere for the next few hours, I figured it was the perfect opportunity to indulge in a solitary quest, a chance to distract myself from the troubling events involving Yua.

As I activated the teleport crystal, the world around me shifted. In the blink of an eye, I found myself transported to an outdoor, wooded expanse. The ambiance was eerie, with a thick carpet of dead leaves and twisted branches dominating the landscape. The echoes of distant wolf howls punctuated the silence, setting an ominous tone for the journey ahead.

Surveying my surroundings, I was presented with a choice. Two diverging paths stretched before me, each promising its own set of challenges and mysteries. I took a moment to consider my options, the treacherous terrain consisting of mud and branches making the decision far from trivial. Ultimately, I chose the left path, which led me through a smaller wooded area. It appeared to be the less daunting route, at least initially.

The journey took an unexpected turn as I ventured deeper into the woods. The rustling of leaves underfoot hinted at the presence of unseen creatures, and then, they emerged – low-level wolves. Four of them, their eyes gleaming with hunger, surrounded me. Reflexively, I reached for my throwing knives, a practised move from countless encounters in this virtual realm. With precision born of experience, I let the blades fly. They hit their marks, striking each wolf squarely between the eyes, bringing them down swiftly and efficiently.

Yet, as the echoes of battle subsided, another sound reached my ears – the unmistakable clash of swords. It disrupted the stillness of the woods, sending ripples of apprehension through me. I had expected to encounter fellow adventurers, but the urgency in those clashes raised my guard. Out here, beyond the safe zone, anyone could become a threat, and circumstances often dictated actions more than alliances.

Gripping my sword with newfound tension, I allowed my senses to guide me toward the source of the noise. The clashing sounds grew louder, more intense, each strike resonating like a crescendo of impending danger. It was fast, so fast that the next clash occurred right behind my ear, forcing me to react on instinct.

In the split second it took for me to turn and draw my sword, a chilling sight awaited me. A towering, dishevelled man, his armour gleaming with a malevolent aura, stood before me. Beside him, a young girl burst forth from the underbrush – Yua, unmistakably, though her presence in this situation baffled me.

The man's face bore a sinister grin, his eyes glinting with an unsettling hunger for battle. He revelled in the chaos as he effortlessly parried Yua's relentless attacks. His movements were a dance of precision and power, a display of mastery over his craft.

"Well, ain't you a feisty one," he taunted, his voice dripping with malicious amusement. His fighting style was a spectacle, a fluidity that transitioned seamlessly between Yua and me, his intentions inscrutable as he moved between his targets. He locked onto me, his eyes holding a glint of malevolence, and he lunged at me with relentless fury, a whirlwind of strikes that nearly threw me off balance.

I struggled to regain my footing, my breath coming in ragged gasps as I fended off his ferocious attacks. Amid the chaos of clashing steel, I managed to shout to Yua, "YUA, LISTEN! LIKE WE DID WITH THE BOSS, SWITCH OUT!" Her eyes met mine, and she nodded in understanding.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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