Chapter 1

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**Percy's POV**

I sat on the beach, waiting for Annabeth to come for our date. I looked at my watch, confusion ever present on my face. Annabeth was about an hour late to our date, which was odd, cause I'm normally the late one. I slowly stood up, and walked toward the cabins.

Piper suddenly ran up, the expression of happiness and nervousness present on her Cherokee skin. "Annabeth wants to talk to you. She's in her cabin." She pulled me by the wrist, guiding me into the area of the Athena cabin that belonged to Annabeth. I looked at Annabeth, raising an eyebrow.

"What's up, Wise Girl?" I placed a hand on her shoulder, but she gently pushed it away. My eyebrow raised a bit more. "Annabeth?" I asked warily.

"Perce.. I have to break up with you. It's on-" I took a privet turn before sprinting toward the Poseidon cabin. I ignored Annabeth yelling, and fought through Piper's charmspeak, as she tried to get me to turn around.

I pushed open the cabin door, slamming it shut. I grabbed a chair, dumping its contents on to the floor. I shoved the chair under the doorknob, locking everyone out of the cabin. That was the joy of being the only one in your cabin. No one else ever needed it.

I walked over to my bed, collapsing as soon as I felt the mattress under both knees. The tears that I had somehow managed to hold in, where now flowing effortlessly. I heard the jiggle of the doorknob, but ignored it, drowning it out with sobs that were now racking my body.

"Percy! Please let me in! I can exp-" I pulled out Riptide, taking off the cap, flinging the sword at the door, making a loud clunk sound. I heard the footsteps of Annabeth walking away. I just wanted to be alone. New footsteps found there way up the steps, and Nico's voice.

"Percy. Please let me in."


"She isn't here. I just want to talk to you."

I burst into another fit of tears and sobs. I fought back the urge to let him in. He continued to fight with the doorknob, finally seeming to give up. I smiled proudly, and drowsily, when I heard Nico talking to himself.

"Ah, screw it." I felt the wind adjust slightly, and a hand touched my shoulder gently, as I drifted off to sleep.

**Nico's POV**

I watched Percy as he drifted off to sleep, as his tears continued to roll down his flawless cheeks.

Huh, I thought. Maybe my crush for him isn't gone after all.

I subconsciously wiped the tears off his face, and pulled him into a light embrace. He blushed in his sleep, but a small smile was beginning to form. His tensed up body, was now beginning to relax in my arms.

Piper and Annabeth had explained the situation, as best as they could. As truthful as they were trying to be, they both seemed to be hiding something.

I think, I thought to myself, Piper and Annabeth are dating. I bet that Annabeth is a lesbian, and that she couldn't keep lying to Percy that she still loved him.

I moved Percy's hair out of his face, and whispered in his ear, careful not to wake him up.

"I still love you, Perseus Jackson. I will protect you, no matter what."

I quietly got up, moving the chair he had used to lock himself in his bedroom, and began to walk out of his cabin. I turned one last time, to see a slightly scared Percy looking at me.

"N-Nico?" His voice quivered, and I immediately knew what was wrong. He had had a nightmare. Only Annabeth was able to stop those.

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