💛Mammon x reader - Hiding Out💛

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Well they had really done it this time.

And by "done it" I mean piss off Lucifer enough for him to actively hunt them down.

Both Mammon and Mc had gotten themselves into an enormous amount of trouble, and there was no turning back now.

The two..miiight have spent the entire morning selling off pictures of a shirtless Lucifer to almost every other student at RAD..
As an April Fools prank of course! It was all in good fun.

Apparently, the Avatar of Pride didn't understand fun. Cause you can bet that as soon as the word got back to him, he was absolutely livid.

And now, the human and demon duo were on the run, searching for any place that could be safe to hideout in for awhile.
You know, maybe 3-4...years-

"This way!" Mammon's voice was in a harsh whisper as he kept his grip on Mc's wrist, pulling her along with him as the two sprinted down the halls.

The demon lead the girl down several flights of stairs before they reached a rather cold and quiet part of the school, that she was completely unfamiliar with.
It was a basement-like section that seemed to be left untouched for quite some time.

But before Mc could get a good look at the place, Mammon continued tugging her along until they reached an empty closet that sat near the end of a corridor, and rushed inside.
Slamming the door behind and incasing them both in darkness.

"Okay, I think we should be safe here." The white haired demon choked, catching his breath.

Mc finally let go of the male's hand and felt around for the back wall, leaning up against it so she too, could calm her breathing.

"Oh my God." She breathed out, a light chuckle in her voice.
Sure, the idea of Lucifer catching them was absolutely terrifying, no doubt. But yet, the thrill of it all gave her such a high.

"Ya really think this is funny huh?" Mammon asked, not being able to help but to smile as well.
He could sense her excitement.

"Yeah, although we're probably gonna die this way one day." She half joked, assuming they would keep getting into these situations in the future.

Mammon laughed a bit, a cocky grin etched on his face.
"Not me! I'm a professional at this stuff." He bragged, pointing his thumb to his chest proudly, which Mc couldn't even see.

"Yeah sure, is that why we're hiding for our lives in a closet?" The human quipped sarcastically, giving the demon a gentle jab with her elbow.
He scoffed in mock offense.

"Hey, no fair! Lucifer wouldn't have even found out if ya hadn't blabbed the plan to Lord Diavolo."

To be honest..that was true. it was a pretty dumb move on her part.

"I'm sorry, I got caught up in the moment!" Mc laughed, still being able to feel the adrenaline pumping through her body.

After a few more minutes of light-hearted bickering, the two eventually quieted down and hung out in comfortable silence.
Their eyes were adjusted to the lack of light by now, and were somewhat able to see each other through the dark.

Although, the darkness was somewhat of a blessing to Mc, as she actually had quite the crush on the demon who had gotten her into all this trouble in the first place. And she could already feel her cheeks heating up a bit due to their forced closeness.

Mammon was so special to her. He was her closest friend and had always been there for her, in his own kinda weird, tsundere-ish way.

To be honest, she could tell he liked her too, thanks to how flustered he would sometimes get if he were caught being "too nice" to her. He kinda had a tendency to accidentally expose his feelings while desperately trying to hide them.

The only reason Mc never told the Avatar of Greed how she felt, was because there was never really a good time? Plus, she was still scared.

What if she were completely delusional and reading his signals wrong?

In any case, she couldn't think about that now, they still had to avoid Lucifer..somehow.

"So, i guess we're just hanging in here for awhile?" Mc questioned, sliding down the wall until she was sitting on the dusty floor.

"Yeah," The demon mumbled, taking a seat next to the human.

"It's gonna be a long afternoon.." She sighed with a tired chuckle, resting her face in her hands.
The two had stayed up the entire night before, planning their scheme, and ended up pulling an all-nighter.

"Here.." Mammon suddenly said, reaching into the pocket of his jacket and pulling out a chocolate bar.
He then broke it in half and handed one peice to Mc, who gratefully took it and thanked him.

The duo sat together for awhile, just snacking on their goodies while chatting and joking back and forth.
They had to be quiet though, so as not to attract any unwanted attention.

After awhile, a thought struck Mc's mind and she turned to the demon.
"How long have we been in here anyway?"

Mammon pulled out his D.D.D. from his pocket, the dim screen illuminating his face. They both had to squint their eyes thanks to the sudden and irritating led light.
"It's been about 30 minutes."

The girl let out a small groan, laying her head back against the wall.

"Ugh, this sucks."
Mammon complained.

"It really does." Mc agreed with a nod.
"But at least I'm stuck with you, it could be worse."

"What's that supposed to mean!?" The demon scoffed.

"I meant it as a compliment." The girl teased with a chuckle, raising her hands up in defense.

"Yeah yeah, whatever."


After another 45 minutes or so, Mc could feel her eyes becoming heavy and her body starting to feel the effects of all her previous adrenaline.

The girl tried to get as comfortable as she could in the back of a storage closet.

She really fought to stay awake but eventually lost the battle when she slowly slipped out of consciousness and into a light sleep, her head leaning onto Mammon's shoulder.

The demon's body tensed at this, but gradually relaxed once he realized the girl was fast asleep.

He smiled a little and let out a huff of amusement, deciding not to wake her up.
It would probably be best if they got some rest anyway, as the afternoon would surely prove to be a long one.

So the white haired demon gently placed his arm around Mc, pulling her a little closer and allowing her to sleep on him comfortably.
It wasn't long before the Avatar of Greed's eyelids became too heavy to keep open, and he too fell fast asleep.

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