Chapter 1- Surprise, Surprise

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Nessa's POV

"Do you think it's too late to change my wedding gown? What if he doesn't like it?" Nessa asked, feeling worried.

"Relax, Nessa. He will love it," replied Edith reassuringly.

"But it has a low cut, and it is..."Edith's voice cut her off.

"He will like it as much as you do, alright? Now you should go and see him because he's definitely waiting for you," said Edith, trying to calm her nerves.

"Oh, before you leave, are you sure you don't want to invite her to your wedding? I mean, it's a special day and she might" she added.

"No," Nessa said and walked towards her car.

I reach Terah's house to find the door locked. His car was in the driveway though and it was weird, so I took out the spare key he gave me and unlocked the door.

I figured he'd be sleeping in his room. I walked up the stairs and towards his door. I tried opening the door, but it was also locked.

I was going down the stairs when I heard glass shatter and the sound came from Terah's room.

I stood there for a while and noticed the knob of the door turning and it looked like the person on the other end was struggling to open it. The door opened with force to reveal Terah.

He was not looking too good.

"Baby are you okay?" I asked.

I noticed blood on his knuckles, and I figured he might have cut himself accidentally.

"Oh my God babe your fist is bleeding," I said rushing towards him, but he just pushed me away as soon as he saw me.

Terah are you drunk I asked worriedly.

"Surprise, surprise," Terah said in a low tone. "Did you think I was never going to find out? I can't believe I risked my life for you and you did this!"

Confusion flushed across Nessa's face. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't play smart with me," Terah said, shoving the phone into her face.

"What is it?" Nessa asked, taking the phone from him.

Terah had shown her a video of herself with a random guy she had never seen before. The position in which she was in with the guy said a lot and it looked like they were unto something.

"Why did you do this to me?" Terah yelled. "After all I've done for you?"

"After all we've been through together, and you do this to me."

"Did you think I was stupid and I wouldn't find out?"

"What the f**k do you want from me?"

"I sacrificed everything for you, I gave you everything you wanted, and you do this to me?"

"Did you think I would never find out Nessa?"

The was an awkward silence in the atmosphere then Terah whispered

"Get out"

"I want you to leave my house now."

"Go!" he yelled

"There's no point in talking to you anymore. I do not want to ever see you in my life"

Nessa couldn't believe her ears. She was shaken when he asked her to leave.

Does he not trust me? she asks herself.

"Terah that's not me, I swear" Nessa said with a shaking voice

"Look at it closely"

Nessa felt her heart break as she looked into Terah's eyes and saw the hurt in them. She felt a deep sense of betrayal and anger towards him.

He didn't trust her, and she was going to get married to this man?

"Look at it closely, it must have been photoshopped or something"

"Not another word from you?' he yelled cutting her off.

"Get out now!" Terah yelled at the top of his lungs

Nessa just walked to the door and looked back at Terah since that was going to be the last time she'll ever see him again.





I hopped into the car and started it. I don't even know where I'm going to. All I know is that I need to get as far away from this mess as I can.

This is all her fault.

I picked up my phone and dialed her number. I was really pissed off I didn't care about the vow I made not to ever call her ever again in my life.

She didn't think of any other chance to ruin my life than this one.

I didn't even allow her to talk and I started yelling

"" So you can't stop ruining things in my life you had to mess up my relationship?"

"What kind of person are you? You told me you were going for good so what are you doing ruining my life? I lost everything because of you and you've still not had enough?"

"I hate you and I don't want to ever see you again"

I hung up and tossed the phone into my bag.

I began to sob on the steering wheel wondering how worse the day could even get.

I didn't know how to think, what to think about or even what to do. I was the most confused I could ever be in my life but I knew that I wanted to be alone.

With anger and mixed emotions, I was so lost in my head that I didnt know where this bus came out of, I swerved out of the way fast enough to avoid a crash.

Was I about to die right after my wedding was canceled?

This day is the worst in my life.





Edith was at my house in less than 10 minutes. She kept talking but all I could see was black. She was asking me questions but I wasn't in the right state of mind to process anything. "Okay, calm down... I know you don't want to talk right now but I at least have to know why you are acting up and why you called me instead of Thea. " Edith asked

" Besides, why are you here instead of Thea's place?"

"I should've listened to you Edith, I should've listened when you told me to let him know.

I wanted a fresh start for myself without Ronnie, I didn't want Terah to know I had a twin sister.

I didn't want her to ruin this one too, I couldn't risk it.

"What are you hitting at?"

Terah has called off our wedding I said sobbing.

"What?, How?, When?" she questioned

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