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Our eyes continue to hold when I finish speaking, and hers fill with unshed tears before she closes the distance between us to slip her arms around my waist, tucking herself in against my chest.

Her sweet floral scent dances along my senses as my arms wrap around her small body.

She fits so perfectly.

My eyes fall shut as she rubs her cheek against my chest and exhales heavily, a little of the tension leaving her body in the safety of my hold.

I move my lips to run kisses over head and then take her face in my hands. Going for her lips–

"Morning, princess."

I sit up with a jerk, my eyes blurry with lack of sleep as they land on a fresh-faced, smiling Ryan. It should have been fuck-faced then.

"Bad timing, Dood." I fake a sob, "You better have my morning coffee ready." My words sound slurred as I rub my eyes.

"Looks like you had a wild dream." Kunal chuckles.

"It was mild but would have gotten wild if that asshole didn't wake me up."

"Are you going to marry her?" Kunal questions me for the N-th time.

"I don't know. Maybe."

"She's nice."

"Do you like her?"

I made a face. He saw my face and winced. Which caused me to make another face. He saw that too.

"I don't not like her," I said quickly.

"You don't like anyone, Abir." Ryan chuckles "You don't not like Mishti. So negative with a negative." I throw my pillow behind me, aiming at his face.

"It's just a fake relationship. Let's not raise his hopes." Why do I feel like stabbing him? "Haan... Anyways, she's in your kitchen."

"Yes, preparing breakfast for you. At last God heard my prayers and relieved me from my coffee job delivery Job, Kun."

"Who SHE are you both talking about?"

They both chuckle and that irks me up. "SURPRISE SHE..." Saying together they give each other a fist bump.

If it's THE she in my mind then....

Deep brown and black mixed eyes float at the front of my vision. Oversized sweats and a dancing smile that lights up the room.

My lips twitch at the memory, despite the severity of this moment.

"MISHTI..." I ran from my bedroom and the last time, I did was to attend my start of career interview on time.

The reality was much better than my dream. She was wearing a simple full length floral frock with the little puff on her sleeves. Damn! I tried and did my best to control my drool. Only if those two idiots weren't here I wouldn't have done anything to control my desires.

Now, I wanted to chase her out because she was standing like that in my kitchen and playing with every utensil in her hands. God! Save me.

"What the hell are you doing in my kitchen?" My mouth is agape as I stare at the girl who has clawed her way into the depths of my tattered soul without permission.

"Oh! Possessive of your Kitchen?"

This woman is the death of me. Done.

"Possessive on kitchen my as-" Before I can finish it her pointing fingers land on my lips.

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