𐬾chapter five𐬾

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johnny knew he shouldn't like this as much as he did. charlotte laid beside him, sleeping soundly. he shouldn't like having her so close to him, snuggled up to him like this, but he did. he liked knowing that she was safe, knowing no one could hurt her while he was there. she was still wearing his clothes, even when she had a whole closet of her own she could have changed into. he slid a little closer to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, and went to sleep. he woke up early, earlier than charlotte, at least.
"charlotte," he whispered in her ear, his voice still rough from sleep, "charrr," he whispered again, laughing. she rolled closer to him and said, "hmm?"
"it's time for school," he said. she got up quickly, dragging her purple blanket with her to her vanity. she didn't do much makeup, which johnny liked. she already had a beautiful face, she didn't need to try and make herself more beautiful. he sat on her bed and watched her get ready. he took her polaroid camera and snapped a picture of her just as she turned to look at him. she blushed, looking slightly embarrassed as he gently tucked the picture into his pocket. he didn't have any new clothes to change into, so he just wore what he wore to school yesterday. he was surprised, however, when charlotte also didn't change, opting to stay in his big sweatshirt and sweatpants. they were matching, both with a big number 13 across their backs. he held open her bedroom door for her as she walked to the bathroom. he paused outside the room before she laughed, "i'm just brushing my teeth, you can come in if you want." he walker in the bathroom and sat on the side of the bathtub as she brushed her teeth and hair. he didn't know why, but he didn't want to leave her alone. he wanted to make sure she was safe, all the time, and he couldn't do that if he wasn't with her. he was never gonna leave her alone again.
"we should go," he said, watching her try to braid her hair. "here," he said, stepping closer to her and gently grabbing her hair. he twisted it into a braid quickly, the way his mother taught him to. "thank you," charlotte said, smiling slightly. she followed him to his car and climbed into the front seat. her stereo was still sitting on the center console, and he reached over and put on the same station they listen to in dublin. "the night we met" by lord huron filled the car, reminding him of the first time he saw charlotte. a little girl in sundresses and floppy hats, talking about how her favorite places was the beach and she wasn't sure they could be friends cause he was a "dub".

he put his car into gear and winced at the pinching pain in his abductor.
"what's wrong?" charlotte asked, frowning slightly.
"nothing," he sighed.
"tell me," she urged. johnny felt a strange sense of trust for her in that moment. he knew he could tell her anything, and she wouldn't tell anyone.
"at the end of last years rugby season, i tore my abductor," he sighed, "it's still giving me a bit of trouble."
she looked worried, "why are you playing then? you have to give it time to heal."
he felt a vague sense of annoyance flood him.
"i didn't ask for advice, charlotte."
she looked insulted for a second before saying, "and i wasn't offering it, johnny. you should let your abductor heal. it's only gonna make it harder for you to play in the future."
"then i'll have to deal with it," he sighed, "its not your problem, so don't worry about it."
"if it's not my problem, then why tell me about it?" she demanded.
"i regret it, trust me." johnny replied coldly, turning his eyes back to the road. charlotte turned away from him, looking out the window and clutching her backpack to her chest.
"charlotte," he started, "i didn't mean it like that."
"it's fine," she said quickly, "you're right, it's none of my business what you do."
"i didn't say that," he sighed, getting irritated again.
"yes, you did." she said, sounding annoyed herself.
"listen," he said, raising his voice slightly, "you don't even know me."
charlotte went quiet for a moment, "you're right, i really don't."
they were only a few blocks from Tommen, but she still turned to him and said, "i can walk the rest." she said is so angrily that it made him rethink everything he'd said.
"no, you can't," he insisted.
"yes, i can," she argued.
"charlotte, you are staying in this damn car until we get to school," johnny stated.
she stayed turned away from him until he pulled into the parking lot. with a sigh, he got out and opened her door for her, pulling her pink backpack out of her arms and slinging it onto his shoulder.
"after you," he said, gesturing to the sidewalk in front of them. when she didn't move, he wrapped a heavy arm around her shoulder and pulled her along next to him.
"where's your locker?" he asked, letting her lead him to the sophomore section of the school. she opened her locker, and he was suddenly aware of everyone looking at them. he, johnny kavanagh, who publicly didn't do "relationships", was walking around in matching outfits, carrying his friends sisters pink backpack as she lead him through the halls. bella was gonna kill him.
"why are you mad?" he looked down at her, leaning against her locker.
"you yelled at me," she said, her eyes filling with tears.
"don't cry charlotte," he said, sounding pained. "i don't want you to cry."
"i'm sorry," she sniffled, blinking rapidly.
"don't apologize either," he groaned, running a hand through his hair.
"i didn't mean to make you upset," he said, putting a hand on her shoulder, "i never want to make you sad, okay?"
"okay," she nodded. he smiled at her before putting her backpack in her locker and grabbing her books for her.

he carried them for her all the way to her english class, and as soon as she walked through the door bella wilkinson was next to him.
"i heard something really funny johnny," she said, sounding mildly annoyed.
he rolled his eyes, "what'd you hear bella?"
"are you with that sophomore bitch? charlotte biggs?" she hissed.
"don't talk about her like that." johnny said coldly. "she's much better than you."
bella scoffed, "for her sake, you shouldn't say stuff like that."
he narrowed his eyes, "what do you mean 'for her sake'?"
"you'll find out if you don't stay away from her." bella warned, scurrying down the hallway toward the rest of her friends abruptly.

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