HER : The Introduction

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She wears all black to signify her dignity, her elegance, her womanhood but most importantly she wore black to showcase her power. Through all her pain she came out on top. God created a humble beast out of her. She needed a hero, she needed to be saved so she looked to God. He provided her with the strength she needed to heal herself and a entire generation of women. She put all her trust in God and he led her through some of the toughest battles. She became a woman. She became an almighty woman of God. She acknowledged her father, the creator of Christ and he blessed her with strength, dignity and assurance. This woman became a profit, she'd be the one to lead her generation to the kingdom. When she would pray mountains would move. She had a power that everyone around her could see in her. God gave her a mission and she obeyed his words. With time this young lady emerged into the lady in black, the lady who would save an entire generation from self destruction.

As a kid the enemy attacked, he knew her power before she did and he planted seeds early to knock her off balance. At 8 years old a man stole her strength, he snatched her innocence and made her feel less than. No one understood what she was going through so she didn't speak, she stayed hidden and bottled up all of what she felt. She was still a baby. She didn't know how to deal with what she felt so she hid. She let darkness fill her. She shut the world out. She pushed her pain away because she was scared, she was broken and had no one to turn to because no one whom knew of what happened had ever experienced anything like it. Isolation became her best friend. This little sweet girl had lost her light and felt like she had no one to turn to for help. Little did she know there was a man named God who knew her and he knew her by name. At this age she knew of this man named God but she didn't know him personally nor did she know what he was capable of. This broken child had a calling on her life long before she graced this world but only God and the enemy knew of the power within her. She was a force to be reckoned with, a warrior she was and a warrior she is. The enemy became nervous because he knew of the power she held within. She would one day become one of her father's greatest warriors.
This child became the lady in black.

This is a story written by KeShawna Buckner
All rights are reserved !!
This book is copyrighted so please do not copy or steal this story.

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