Panic Attack

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It was a regular day at school when you saw your teacher was handing out your math tests. I know I aced this you thought. Suddenly you see the teacher place the test on your desk, you turn over the page and see that you got a 25%. Your eyes well up. "I'm sorry Ms, there must be a problem, theres no way I got this grade!" You say with a crack in your voice. Your teacher responds nonchalantly "I didn't make a mistake. You'll need to study more." You want hold back your tears for the rest of the day, until you arrive home, but you run to the school bathroom and cry.

Nat's POV

It was a regular day at the tower, filled with training and mission reports. Nat gets a call. Thinking it's just Clint or Fury, she looks at her phone. She sees the phone number calling her is from Y/N's school. "Hello?" Nat says with a hint of worry. "Hello Ms. Romanoff, Y/N received a 25% in her mathematics test today" Nat replies back, confused "Really? I'll have a chat with her about her study habits."


I returned to the tower after holding my tears back all day. I go straight to my room and sit on my bed. First come the tears. Then comes the hyperventilating. I've never been so stressed. Every breath I took felt so shortened it's unreal. I've never been this scared in my life. I continue to hyperventilate and cry, taking shallow breaths as my face is soaked in tears. I check my smartwatch for my heart rate. 167 bpm. I start shaking and shivering as I hold onto my stuffy, a cat plus my mom got me for my 7th birthday.

Nat's POV

Jarvis announces in the living room, where Nat is watching Moonraker. "Ms. Romanoff, I would like to inform you that Y/N is in her room, and having what appears to be a panic attack." Nat pauses the movie immediately as she runs to the elevator and gets to
Y/N's room as quick as possible. Nat knocks on the door to Y/N's room. "Y/N/N hunny, what's wrong?" No response.


I was hyperventilating while hugging my favourite stuffy. Suddenly I look up and see my mom, opening the door. I decide to try fake sleeping, never works as my mom's a spy, but why not? Spoiler: it didn't work. "Y/N/N, I know you're not sleeping." I hear my mom saying in a calm voice. I look up with my tear stained face. "I'm sorry I'm a disappointment."
My mom puts her hand on my chin and forces me to look into her eyes. "Look at me Y/N/N. You are NOT a disappointment, ok? We all make mistakes, but we should take these moments as opportunities for learning on how to improve." I respond, a bit of a joking tone, although my voice still cracks "Says the one who trains for 36 hours straight if she fails a mission." Nat smirks a bit "There's my little girl, you and your random remarks. And for the record, I only train so much because the Red Room taught me to train extensively." My mom immediately then pulls me into a comforting hug and whispers "If you need to cry, cry. Just not alone"

May or may not be partially based off a true story. This is my first time writing anything, I always daydream so this is my first time putting it into words. Any suggestions are welcome :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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