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MARCH 24th 1100 HOURS - 11:00 AM

Loche looked to Juliette as He began to down an energy drink.

"So just pointing out we plan on going after him today?"

"yes, we do the plan is to go through the front door and just take him down."

"It will take Twenty days to get that bullet back besides how do we know he won't just shoot us."

"hmm you got a fair point but I think we will be ok and in the clear."

Juliette finished getting ready and smiled. "Let's get going."

Loche walked out with Juliette as he locked the door.

"Got your gun." "I do but hopefully we won't need it."

they walked the campus taking their time and approached with caution towards the administration building.

"I hope we're going to be ok. I still feel sore from that rumble a few days ago."

"Well, we're going in to try and put this to a close."

"Yeah, so it seems...Let's go."

They walked into the administration building and approached the desk.

"Something I can help you with?" Annette asked.

"Are the Dean and Prevost in we need a word with them."

Annette looked at her. "They just stepped out saying about going to a meeting."

Juliette looked behind her in the parking lot seeing both of them head towards a convertible.

"Thank you." Juliette and Loche run out the door towards Juliette's patrol car.

As they get to the car the Convertable leaves the lot and quickly they follow. Soon they can see the dean aim out the window with a gun as he fires it and keeps missing both of them a few bullets hit the window and barely skim each other's heads but they keep going.

"Hang on there Loche." Juliette said as she gripped the wheel. "I am Hanging." Loche mentions gripping the handle above him and yipped in his voice a bit.

The Dean put his head back in and after a moment emerged and fired off another few rounds.

Loche winced feeling a bullet graze his shoulder. They were out on the town and driving around trying to lose the two. As they approached a turn Juliette grabbed her Gun and began to fire at them finally hitting two tires both of them pulled over and then got out. Juliette and Loche faced off against Dean Calisan and Professor Moriarty.

The Dean and Juliette both pull guns on one another.

"Well think you have the upper hand?" Moriarty asked as Loche looked and stared at Moriarty.

"I like to think so you are out of bullets..." Dean Calisan blinked and looked at her.

"Funny yours is too..." They both checked out their chambers and clips and confirmed they were indeed out of ammo. Juliette holsters her gun and Loche looks to The Dean.

"Isn't that Moriarty's piece Mr. Calisan?"

Moriarty smiled. "How do you know it's mine."

"Ronin Calisan can't obtain a gun with the Thousands of debt he is in his credit is bad and his history of violence will not allow him to get a gun. Not legal and registered besides that's the same model registered to your name Moriarty...the only thing under your actual name everything else is under your Aliases you made up."

"Interesting you have done your figured it all out...."

"You confessed it, we just needed a motive and means and how..." "Have you figured out everything else?"

"yes, I have...from the money you've been smuggling all the hired help are criminals you paid to kill these students one way or another. You Professor have been an asshole and a half."

"I think Mr. need to die along with the detective. You both are getting on my nerves."

"Puttem up then Moriarty let's see you swing.."

The Dean removed his coat then fixed his cuffs and began walking towards Juliette as Loche squared up against Moriarty. The Professor had a weight advantage on him but hopefully, he could out maneuver him.

Juliette began her fight, she took a breath and tried to recall the self-defense classes she had taken and the training she had done. Ronin started with a straight punch and Juliette grabbed his arm then tossed him to the ground and backed up as Ronin rolled away a moment and stood up.

"Not bad.." "Thanks perks of being younger and quicker." Juliette realized her words and cocky behavior would come back and bite her as he stepped forward faking her out and hit Juliette in the stomach before bashing his knee in her chest and throwing her to the ground.

"How's that pride taste..." "Fuck you..." Juliette coughed up and got up taking a moment.

Loche was having his problems as he and Moriarty had been staring one another down.

"you been analyzing me haven't you?" Moriarty said gently

"You're doing the same thing." Loche said as they closed the gap and soon loche struck the man in the gut before being grabbed and kneed in the stomach.

"Now, No foolish behavior.." As he brings his knee up again Loche tilts his head up and a hand punches down meeting the knee and pops his head forward hitting the Professor back.

"I concer don't get cocky..." Loche winced and held his stomach panting.

Juliette looked to Loche then Ronin. "So what do you say we amp it up a bit."

Juliette sighed to Ronin as he spoke and Ronin pulled out a baton and Juliette sighed.

"Fucking really! A baton..." She got ready and moved forward to counter the swing by Ronin. She hits his arm away and his other arm swings in and strikes her chest. As Juliette stumbles back Ronin swings his baton striking her shoulder then her side she hits the ground and cries out in pain.

Juliette got up slowly trying to ignore the pain as she propped herself up. "I am not being taken down by you or a baton." Ronin swings again as she catches his arm and flips her over his shoulder as her foot crunches down on his shoulder. Juliette grabbed the baton from him then grabbed it around his neck and pinned him down to choke him out. Ronin rolled over managing to press against her to cause her to loosen up the grip and Ronin rolled away catching his breath. Juliette panted as well as she held the baton. Juliette approached and swung the baton to his side and with a grunt he hit the ground rolling to the side. Juliette stomped on his chest and kicked him to roll on his chest then Juliette pinned a knee to his back and cuffed his hands and ankles as she rolled off and panted.

Loche looked to Moriarty as he approached once more then dodged a few hits and blocked some of the hits. "Not bad Mr. Holmes." Loche smiled and looked to the Professor eyeing him over at each movement. Loche jolts forward shoulder charging him and punches him in the stomach. Moriarty stumbled back and looked to Ronin who was taken down. Moriarty kicks Loche in the knee grabbed Loche's head slamming it to the ground. "you two should quit while you..." Loche kicked his leg up then took out Moriarty's leg and slowly got up as Juliette approached.

"You're going to Jail just" Moriarty stands and laughs. "take me or save the school."

They both look at him as he holds up a device and shows it with Thirty minutes left.

"It takes Twenty minutes to get back and I have bombs planted and they will go off. So stop me or stop the bombs.." Loche bit his lip and looked at her. "Go stop the bombs i will stop him...." Juliette nodded and ran to the car then got in it and began making the call. "Attention all units Clear the school out evacuate the buildings now Bombs have been planted all units in the air circle in on the school and begin to look in the buildings asap."

Juliette took off fast and furiously as Loche looked to Moriarty.

"You are brave..." Moriarty said to Loche.

"No just a scared college student too stunted to me what you got..."

Loche sighed and put up his fists.

In the meantime Juliette was racing along the streets she was delighted to hear 2 bombs were found and the school buildings were being cleared.

"Come on come on." She mumbled to herself.

as she got to the school in fifteen minutes she could see other officer vehicles there which relieved her.

"Call out your Twenties."

"Officer Cade Dislocating bomb from Administration."

"Officer Labelle Dislocating bomb in science building."

"Officer Tray Just located a bomb in the cafeteria."

"Officer Darin at Dorm Building A."

"Officer Malizka at Dorm Building B."

"Officer Riley at Dorm Math and Science Building."

"Officer Kallide At the Library."

"Officer Vasho at the Justice Hall."

"This is Officer Watson Heading to the Literary building." She heads towards the Building making a B Line for it running at a quick pace. once inside she began to look around"

"Do the bombs make any noise...." Juliette asked.
"That's a copy they make beeping noises not very annoying but beeping." One of the officers answers.

"Thank you." She ran through those halls keeping an ear out and opening each door lucky not many classes were there the announcement from the speakers already must have sent students running before she got there.

"Where are..." Juliette opens a door on the second floor hears the beeping and grabs it. "Come on guys we only have Ten Minutes Left."

"Officer Darin Found my bomb."

"Officer Malizka Found mine."

"Officer Kallide Found mine."

"Officer Valso not yet."

"This is Officer Cade i left the bombs at the center by the fountain Officer Labelle is disarming them at this moment he is the only one with bomb knowledge. Officer Tray and I are heading to The Auditorium and Stadium area respectively those are the only two left."

"Good copy keep going." Juliette mentions and runs fast towards the statue where Labelle already had disarmed the other bombs. "Five Minutes Left..."

"Officer Labelle what do we do to disarm the bombs there isn't enough time to get them to you."
Tray calls out.

"Just pull the green wire out and then the blue wire."

Juliette bit her lip and sighed scared.

"Officer Tray bomb defused."

"Officer Cade Bomb Defused."

"I hope that is each one..." They wait with batted breath as the Mechanic Garage blows up and Nothing else goes up. Juliette sighed. "All Units make a full sweep I need two units to check the Garage Area and make sure everyone is ok call for Fire and rescue here now."

Juliette turned and was worried about Loche. She got back in the car and drove off. When she got to the place she left them There was an unconscious Loche and an unconscious Moriartie She smiled a bit seeing Loche managed to cuff him up but Saw he was not breathing well. Touching Loche's neck she felt a faint pulse and bit her lip.

Juliette picked up her radio calling in for an ambulance for him again. She bit her lip seeing his lips turn a tint of blue and she got worried.

"Come on Loche don't go on me you son of a bitch."

once the ambulance came they stabilized him and injected him with the strongest adrenaline they had and she had one help her get Moriarty and Ronin in the car. She calls in.

"This is Watson to Taliwag..."

"Come in."

"We got the targets bring them in with lots of evidence then think what should we do for the students."

"I will call the school system immediately and tell them." Said Taliwag

"Roger bring these two in." Mentions Watson as She began to drive back towards Reno. She called the Officers back at the campus and all units to stay on campus until further orders. The students began to come back on campus as a News team showed up and began getting questions and statements. The news crew is informed to talk to The Main Detective who was here and the reno branch to begin heading to the Police Station.

Juliette sighed to herself as she was worried about Loche as she got to the Reno City Limits she parked and had officers take the two away. Juliette sat back in her car a moment and got out as she stretched and bit her lip. Juliette slowly heads to her office she spots the Media Van pull up as the elevator closes.

Juliette walked out on the third floor and shouted.

"Who the hell called the Fucking News team!" Juliette asked as she swallowed hard and took a breath as Percival blinked.

"What?" He looked out the window and sighed. "Must of been a student at the college none of ours have."

Juliette looked to her office and walked inside hearing the elevator being called down. Juliette set down a can of energy drink then she bit her lip and turned back towards the elevator soon the Media would be upon them.

Holmes: Campus ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now