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Harry couldn't help the blush that came to his cheeks as he watched Malfoy walk to class. The feeling of his hands on his waist and the way that he held such command, Harry wished for a moment of vulnerability, a fleeting chance to relinquish the role of the Chosen One and simply be Harry. He yearned for someone to enter the room, to look into his eyes and understand the weariness that hid beneath the façade of bravery. In that moment of solitude with Malfoy, he felt what he could only describe as some form of understanding.

He thinks back to the start of his morning. He had awoken, his face feeling a little swollen but nothing too noticeable. He had replayed the events of the other's kindness the night before in his mind bringing a small smile to his face. He sighs shaking his head to get rid of the thoughts and goes to the loo, knowing that Malfoy could never want to be with a boy.

He began to get dressed opting to wear an oversized jumper and jeans. After last night and being taken care of in the way he had his mind began to wonder, In the imagined haven, a figure materialized—a friend, a confidante, or perhaps someone more. Their presence radiated warmth, and in the gentle touches and soft words, but ever so slowly the figure began to change. It became a he with bright blonde hair towering over Harry and the boy gradually realized that the figure was Malfoy. God! Can't he catch a break?

He meets Hermione in the common room, trying to diminish any previous thoughts of Malfoy as he listens to her ramble about her newest book and how it can help S.P.E.W.

"I've drafted a proposal. We need to consider paying the house elves for their work and giving them more freedom. They deserve fair treatment, and here," Harry listens as they walk knowing that whatever he has to add will be unimportant. The one thing he has learned about Hermione is that once she puts her mind to something it is going to happen. "It's about changing the narrative, shifting perspectives. We can't allow the mistreatment of house-elves to continue just because it's tradition."

Grinning, Harry says to her in a teasing tone. "So, we're starting a revolution?"

"Oh Harry, stop it!" she begins to giggle.

They continue to walk together when Harry feels an arm snake around his own. "It's curious, really, how society often overlooks the magic within the smallest creatures. House elves, with their dedication and humility, embody a kind of magic that is both subtle and profound." comes the soft and floaty voice of Luna Lovegood.

Hermione turns to her curious as to how she knew what they were discussing but seems to drop as they continue the conversation about Hermione's plans for S.P.E.W.

They finally make their way to the dining hall, when Harry makes eye contact with the Slytherin. He smiles at him unconsciously feeling the blush rise on his cheeks, he really can't help it. But just as soon as they make eye contact Malfoy breaks it, and no emotion is shown on his face. Harry continues to stare though. He admires the way the other is able to move with an elegance that Harry could only hope to master someday. His hair was still as soft as yesterday, and he had bags under his eyes.

He looks away headed toward their table

He looks away headed toward their table

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