Chapter 4- The Chancellor

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"And what do you plan to do if they do not let us in?" Thor whispered into her ear as they waited for Senator Organa to start up her ship.

"We'll find someone else I know who will help us," Noelle reassured him, averting her eyes. "I knew her father, and Chancellor Mothma will remember me, and so will Hera– General Syndulla, I mean."

If not, I'll find Ezra and Ahsoka. They will certainly help me.

Ezra and Ahsoka were the only two people she might be able to tell about the Infinity Stones who would actually believe her. Maybe Hera would, Noelle didn't know. But she had been the closest with Ahsoka, and she had been like a mentor to Ezra. It was strange the Senator had brushed her off about them. Perhaps she didn't know who they were.

"Noelle, we risked much to travel out here, and the only way we know of in getting home is uncertain to say the least," said Thor. "I thought you had a plan."

Noelle nodded. "Yeah, it was a risk. I never expected this to be easy. I didn't know what anything was going to be like before I came out here." She could see where Thor was going with this, but she was mostly just glad that the Empire was no longer around.

Thor took a deep breath. "I know that. But if we fail, what then? If we never return to Earth to do something about the Stones–"

"Are you both ready?" came Senator Organa's voice, interrupting them.

"Yes," Noelle said abruptly and followed her onto the ship before Thor could say any more to her. She understood his concerns, but this was always how she had operated– without a real plan. And things always seemed to work out in the end.

They took their seats behind Senator Organa, who was firing up the engines.

"It will only be a short flight," she said. "The Senate building is only a few kilometers from the Temple."

I know, Noelle thought. But she didn't say it out loud. She didn't want to give any more information about herself than Senator Organa might have already known.

They rode in comfortable silence for a minute or two until they landed on the familiar landing pad for ships that Noelle had been to many times with Anakin or Obi-wan.

Senator Organa stood up from her seat, and took off the brown cloak she was wearing, draping it over the back. "3PO!!" she called out suddenly.


The two back doors opened and the golden protocol droid that had once belonged to Senator Padme Amidala entered the cockpit. Noelle's eyes widened in shock and recognition, but when the droid saw her, he said nothing. Noelle could only guess that the C-3PO's memory had been wiped at some point after the Clone Wars.

"Yes, Senator Organa?" he asked, as polite and ready to serve as ever.

"I'm taking our guests to meet with the Chancellor. Please stay with the ship, and if there's any trouble alert me."

"Yes, Mistress Leia."

Noelle was itching to ask Senator Organa – Leia – where she had gotten C-3PO, but again decided that revealing as little information about herself as possible to someone she had just met here was the best idea. It could wait until later. Or maybe she could ask Hera.

Thor was walking quietly beside her, but she saw him intaking all the different species of people and the technology and architecture of the Senate Building with interest. He was much older than her of course, but she wasn't sure how many planets and worlds he had been to in his hundreds of years of life. Considering how unfamiliar he seemed to be with Earth, she guessed not many. After all, Asgard only ruled over nine realms.

They followed Senator Organa past the familiar Senate Chambers. Through various open doors, Noelle could see that it was mostly unchanged, but more empty. Perhaps some worlds were still loyal to the Empire, or had opted out of joining the New Republic.

"I am going to take you to Chancellor Mothma's office," Senator Organa said. "She can determine herself if she wants to contact the Jedi, or if she wants to get more witnesses."

"Chancellor Mothma knows me," Noelle said. "It should be no trouble." She understood why the senator was rightly suspicious, but this would be over soon enough.


"Leia!" Chancellor Mothma greeted her as she entered the room.

"Chancellor." Senator Organa embraced her as if they were old friends. "I am very sorry about the short notice, but this is important."

"It's no trouble, Leia. I underst–" Chancellor Mothma stopped short as Noelle and Thor entered the room. "Noelle Smith."

"Hello, Chancellor Mothma," Noelle said quietly, folding her hands together in front of her. "It's been awhile."

"It has." The Chancellor's voice quavered a bit. "You disappeared on Lothal. Almost everyone believed you to be dead."

Noelle said nothing to that, hoping that it wasn't a bad thing she had shown back up here alive.

Chancellor Mothma turned to Senator Organa. "And where did you find them, Leia? Noelle and–?"

"My friend, Thor," Noelle interrupted.

"–Thor," the Chancellor finished.

"At the Jedi Temple," replied Senator Organa. "They want to access the Archives. I told them they would have to take it up with you first."

The Chancellor frowned. "Not your brother?"

"I wanted to find someone to prove they have the right intentions," Senator Organa said quickly. "Noelle said you knew her, and if not, that Hera Syndulla would."

"I do know Noelle. I worked with her during the Rebellion, and I trust her, but I am not the person to give the authority for her to access the Archives. That would be Master Skywalker."

"Skywalker?" Noelle whispered the word before she had the chance to stop herself. Her mouth dropped slightly.

"Yes, Master Luke Skywalker is the head of the Jedi Order, and one of the last Jedi we have left," said Chancellor Mothma, either not noticing or ignoring the look on Noelle's face. "You will have to ask his permission. Leia here can help you with that."

"Chancellor," Leia started. "Don't you think–"

"If you don't have the time, Leia, I'll find someone else to bring them to him."

Noelle drowned out the rest of their conversion, turning towards the wall and covering her mouth with her hands. Skywalker? How was that possible? The only person with the Skywalker name she knew was dead. He had to be.

She also could have sworn Chancellor Mothma said that this Jedi "Skywalker" was Senator Organa's brother.

Leia finally sighed. "Noelle, Thor, I cannot take you to Master Skywalker," she said. "But I will give you the coordinates of the planet he is currently on."

Noelle looked up from where she was facing the wall.

"Thank you, my lady," Thor replied for her. "Your help is greatly appreciated."

Noelle also nodded. "If we could, our ship is not really built for traveling through hyperspace. We'd really appreciate if we could borrow one."

Leia and Chancellor Mothma exchanged a look.

"I think we can spare you a ship," the Chancellor said. "Give Master Skywalker my regards when you see him."

"I-I will," Noelle practically stammered.

"Good." Chancellor Mothma smiled. "When you are ready, there is someone else waiting to meet you out in the next room." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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