Dare 23 - JefftheKillerHunter

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Personally, one of my favorites... JefftheKillerHunter: "I dare Vincent to go trick or treating and have Jeff the Killer attack him from the bushes (his costume is Balloon Boy)"


Vincent: *slumps into the room wearing a BB costume, along with the balloon and sign* ..Okay, remind me why the HECK am I going trick or treating, especially dressed up as BALLOON BOY!!

Me: Calm your toasted buns. It's just a dare.

Vincent: ...Whatever. *slowly walks out the door, and runs up to a house* TRICK OR TREAT!!!

Woman: *opens door* Hello- You seem awfully old to be trick or treating, Mister.

Vincent: ....Yeah, well, it's a- *Jeff the Killer randomly pops out a bush with a knife, tackling Vincent*

Jeff: HAHAHA!!! Come on, Stabby!

Vincent: KWNDKSOAJSI!!! *spawns a knife, pushing Jeff off of him* WHAT THE HECK DUDE?! WHO ARE YOU?!

Jeff: Jeff the Killer.

Me: *walks up* Jeez, is there anyone that you actually DO know?

Vincent: *sighs* Why the heck did this Jeff guy attack me?!

Me: Relax, it was just part of the dare!

Jeff: Later. *runs away quickly*

Vincent: *poker-faced*

Me: *sigh* .....

Ask or Dare Vincent, aka Purple GuyWhere stories live. Discover now