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— —  ꒰ঌ EXPOSURE ໒꒱ — —

PROMPT : the team discovers billy is a kid and not an adult, leading to multiple fights and lots of chaos

Members of the Justice League were scattered in across the field of Europe. From afar one could notice the top members struggling to hold the man back. It was a rough experience to say the least. He called himself Black Adam, odd name, but hey, who are they to complain? Theirs names are just as weird.

Green Lantern felt beads of sweat escape his forehead as he held a force field against the powerful man. He yelped as he fell to the ground. The floor broke his landing with the help of his ring. He groaned at his cracked ribs as he stared at Batman. The man dressed in a black costume grunted in response and crawled next to him.

They watched as everyone fell, one by one. Well, all except Captain Marvel. He had the tactic of taking the time to reason a villain down, and it wasn't working. The raven haired male grunted with gritted teeth and began throwing lightning at him before speeding towards him and punching him down. It was like a wrestling match one couldn't look away from.

"You will never be the champion, you imbecile! It is I, who possesses the power of the champion," Black Adam cackled as the two held each other at the fists. Then he sighed angrily, "yet we are the same, you and I. Both chosen to do good..."

"We may have small similarities," Captain Marvel snapped before tumbling at the windmill. The two fell to the ground in thuds before Captain Marvel grabbed him. He whispered in a grin, "but there is something...I am young, you....well you are not. SHAZAM!"

The blast rang through the ears of heroes. They coughed out dust as they saw an old man in Black Adam's place, yet Captain Marvel missing. The man was shriveled and old, a beard slowly dusted away. First it was his hair, and then his body.

Billy coughed out air as he walked behind a dumpster. He didn't have any strength to change back. He decided he could wait it out, ya, that would work. That was until Batman walked towards him.

"Hello, Billy," he greeted. Was it surprising he found out who he really was? No, not really, but he was surprised that he didn't tell anyone. Then the male sighed, "I suggest you transform yourself back if you don't want to be caught."

Billy shook his head and groaned, "weak...need recovery...." The older male sighed and looked out. He huffed and sat next to the orphan.

"Get ready, here they come," Batman whispered in warning. Footsteps on the rocky floor ran to the duo. Billy's voice became shaky, his heart still beating and pounding at a fast pace.

"Batman, there you...are..." Hal Jordan gulped. His voice was raspy and out of breath. His eyes became wide in surprise, realizing who the boy was meant to be. Soon other Justice League members began to appear with surprised expressions.

"Oh gods," Wonder Woman whispered. His eyes looked at the man of steel. Sweat ran down his neck as his chest pumped in and out heavily. An angry expression soon replaced his surprised face, making Billy sure something was going to go wrong. This was the day he prayed to never happen.

"We'll tall about this at the Justice League hall. Batman, get him there," Superman growled. He turned around as the members of the League head out. The raven haired Kryptonian looked back and huffed, "Make sure he makes it to the Medbay, he has some nasty scars."

Billy Batson extraordinaire!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora