Chapter 3

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Ps. All rights got to Rick Riordan except my OC; Mitzianna Blake and the plotline. Some text and dialogues have been copied from the original 'Titan's curse' book. (in this chapter most is copied with slight alterations I was unable to find a way to change it drastically. this will change further into the book)

From the ground i watched Thorn's first volley of missiles zipped harmlessly over our

Heads. The two kids that had run off earlier were advancing behind dr.thorn, the girl had spiky Black hair and electric blue eyes that had a startling similarity to me, the boy had curly brown hair and a slight goatee, They both seemed familiar but i couldn't quite see there faces through teh snow and how fats they were moving.. The girl had a shield with a horrifying sculpture at the head and a huge spear in her other arm as he charged forward.

"FOR ZEUS!" Yelled the girl. Zeus? I thought groggily trying to get up.

The girl jabbed at dr.thorn and it seemed that he was going to be killed but he snarled and swatted the spear aside. His hand changed into an orange paw, with enormous claws that sparked against the girl's shield as he slashed. If it hadn't been for the horrifying shield, that girl would've been sliced as easily as a banana. As it was, she managed to roll backward and land on her feet.

Dr. Thorn launched another volley of missiles at The girl, and this time I could see how he did it. He had a tail—a leathery, scorpion like tail that bristled with spikes at the tip. The missiles deflected off the shield, but the force of their impact knocked the girl down.

The brown haired boy sprang forward. He put his reed pipes to his lips and began to play—a frantic jig that sounded like something pirates would dance to. Grass broke through the snow. Within seconds, rope-thick weeds were wrapping around Dr. Thorn's legs, entangling him.

Dr. Thorn roared and began to change. He grew larger until he was in a hideous form; face still human, but his body that of a huge lion. His leathery, spiky tail whipped deadly

thorns in all directions. But her gut told her it was his true form. A form of-

"A manticore!" Said a new voice beside me. I yelped, where there hadn't been a second before was a girl around my age with curly blonde hair and stormy grey eyes and for some odd reason a yankees cap in her hand. Since i could see her face properly i was able to finally recognise her. It was an old close friend of hers...

"A-annabeth?" I say confused " Wh-what's going on?"

Then in the sudden stillness could finnaly see them all. I recognised all of them. Annabeth had been my best friend for half of the year until i moved here, 

The spiky black haired girl; Thalia grace, another one of my closet friends form my old school, she was like a sister. The other two boys; percy and the brown haired boy, I wasn't quite best friends with. I remembered being friendly and nice to them in Yancy academy when no one else was, and Grover (the brown haired boy) had been here at westover for a bit aswell...What the-?

I was snapped back to reality when the manticore clawed Grover's magic weeds to shreds then turned toward us with a snarl. "Get down!" Annabeth pushed me flat into the snow. I saw Percy tap his wristwatch and inexplicably metal plating spiralled out into a thick bronze shield around his arm, and not a moment too soon. The thorns impacted against it with such force they dented the metal. The beautiful and detailed shield was badly damaged, I didn't think it would even stop a second volley.

I heard a thwack and a yelp, and Grover landed next to me with a thud.

"Yield!" the monster roared.

"Never!" Thalia yelled from across the field. She charged the monster, and for a second, I thought she would run him through. But then there was a thunderous noise and a blaze of light from behind us. The helicopter appeared out of the mist, hovering just beyond the cliffs. It was a sleek black military-style gunship, with attachments on the sides that looked like laser-guided rockets. The searchlights blinded Thalia, and the manticore swatted her away with its tail. Her shield flew off into the snow while her spear flew in the other direction.

Titan's curse OC INSERT.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora