Welcome to hell

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"So Milo why are we helping you know Dri?",Kyle said looking at Milo who looked back at him too.

"it's Drista Kyle,and we have to,I don't want her to do this alone she needs backup",Milo

,"oh right backup!,oh I was about ask what's that in your hand Sophia?"Kyle asked,she then Shows him a small box which has a friendship,bracelets inside and it had a note on top of the small box which
With a heart on it.

Tyler was next to Kyle and noticed the heart,"don't tell us you fell in love with her too white head!!",Tyler said which made Sophia blush.

"What about Cassie the one your with right now?"He asked and Sophia sighed.

"I didn't mean to give her this because I love her I just wanted to be a friend cause I felt sorry because she died and came back as a goddess",Sophia said.

"Yeah I felt bad too you
know,but I do wonder how come she turned out to be goo-"Tyler stopped talking when he spots Drista.

"well I think your bestie had arrived"

"Great c'mon guys!",Sophia said as the others followed her.

Toby noticed Sapnap
Wasn't not coming so he walked up to him.

"Sap are you coming?",Toby said.

"no..",Sapnap replied.

"Then where are you going??",Toby asked.

"Somewhere else..",Sapnap said.

"okay..I'll leave you be.."

(Hmph! Jerk),Toby thought walking back to the others.

"Drista!",Milo yelled Which got her attention.

"Milo?,What are you and the others doing here??",Drista asked.

"we came to help you,we couldn't just let you do this alone.",Sophia said.

"oh sure!,but you guys need to be careful around all different areas..",Drista said.

"We will,oh and also..",Sophia
Opens the small box and showing a bracelet to Drista.

"What's this?",She asked.

"This a friendship bracelet I made it for you",Sophia said.

"Really?! thank you!!",Drista said putting the bracelet on.

"Is this some kind of Bestie chitchat here?,like c"mon be serious!!",Tyler said.

"okay we all have to split up,Nightmare's men are totally everywhere and if you see them,beat them down,it's
Good rather than killing them
But try not to hurt all of them,Some still have a good heart inside them,They didn't used to be in nightmare's group,and if they disobey his orders they'll be punish and killed in a horrible way...",The group were shocked what Drista said.

"That's fucked up..",Cassie said looking disgusted.

"I know and if you look closely in their eyes the fear are actually innocents",Drista said.

"we'll remember that",Jayden said the others nodding.

"Good luck guys..",Drista said disappearing.

"Alright do as she said and split up!",Milo said and the group went to different paths.

George decided to go alone while walking he didn't even realize that he was being watched and followed by Xever and nightmare's men.

"OK our target is the brown one..,ready for the fun boys~?",Xever asked and one of the men nodded their heads and one of them uses their ropes that wrapped around George neck.

George Gasped and struggles to take the rope off of him but it pulls him down which he hits his head hard,and blood starts coming down his forehead.

George hissed in pain,when he hears laughing behind him,and when he starts turns one of the men slash George right cheek with a knife.

He screams and gets pissed and starts attacking the men with his bending.

but two guys uses their ropes that wrapped around George wrists,and he's struggles to break free,but gets knocked out by one of them,and he falls unconscious.
"Well done boys"Xever said chuckling and he takes out his communicator
And calls nightmare.

"Yo night We got out bait.."

Dream and Drista suddenly gets a sense from someone they know.

"Dream are you okay buddy??",Luke(Punz)Asked
Because he noticed Dream shaking.

(to be continued)

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