The escape

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*The didn't came from my!!*,Drista thought, sprinting where is George sense came from*Damn it!!*

*it's not Drista it can't be her
But it came from my friend...George..*Dream thought.

'I can't hide myself anymore'

"woah,D-dream where are you going?",Luke(punz) asked noticing him walking away.

"I'm going out",Dream replied which surprised Luke.

"Out?!,what about your legs there still not heal yet!!",Luke(punz)said.

"I don't care about the pain i have this what I have to do go get the soldiers ready it's time for war..",Dream replied.

"okay.."Luke(punz)said as Dream leaves.

Drista got to the scene where George was attacked but he wasn't there but only saw his blood.

"GEO YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!",She yelled as she followed George blood trail.

Saphir as just sitting on the roofs watching this,then he got up,'now looking for that bastard'He thought walking away.

George woke up from his unconscious and sat up and he didn't know where he was but realized his wrists were tied up and he looks around.

"had a good dream??"
a voice asked got George attention.

"or your having a bad one..~",then George looked infront of him and saw the one and only nightmare.

"Your...N-Nightmare...??"George said in fear.

"Correct and you must be George the colorblind freak I heard you attacked most of my people..~",Nightmares said.

"However I heard that you're so close to Dream..~"


"Well,he always stops me from killing innocent people,so my plan is to kill him first~",Nightmares said smirking.

"well he's not around anymore so give up already!",George said.

"do you think he's going to stay hidden forever like the coward he is?,He will come to save your precious life..",nightmare said rolling
his eyes.

"if he doesn't...",George muttered.


nightmare looked at fearless,as he pulls out a syringe from his pocket and walks up to George.

"Where did you get that?!!",George yelled.

"hold him still..",Nightmare lifted George's chin up and fearless stabs the syringe in his neck.

George screams in pain and starts tearing up.

"leave him be he'll die anyways",Nightmare chuckled
as he and fearless left the room.

"p-please t-take this o-off s-someone h-help m-me..."

Dream was at the scene where Drista was but only found George blood and
her footprints,and he decided to followed them but he suddenly jumps back after hearing footsteps behind him.

and saw it was Saphir his best friend.

"S-sap?",Dream muttered.

Saphir didn't say anything but charged at Dream as he swung his sword But Dream dodge the attack.

"Sap this is not the time to fight please!!!"Dream begged but gets stabbed in the shoulder he then screams in pain and falls to the ground while Saphir pushes the sword deeper.

"You deserve this!!,You deserve all the pain!!,and I'm not done with you anymore!!",Saphir shouted as he pulls the sword out of Dream shoulder as he clutched it with right arm,Saphir was about to stabbed Dream again but he suddenly stopped.

*Flashback of Saphir and Sarah(his older sister) argument*

(last warning brother...,he has changed!!,can't you see his condition?! He's hurt and sacrificing his life to protect the town,he became a good person towards all of you!!)

*end of flashback*

Saphir then steps back as Dream gets up
Still clutching his shoulder.

"d-dream..what did I do to you..?..I-i.."

but Saphir suddenly hears footsteps and then saw the others coming this ways.

"Guys!,What's going on here?",milo yelled but was shocked to see Dream wounded and Saphir looking away in guilt.

"what the hell happened..?,Saphir Dream did you guys get into a fight??",Cassie said.

"I-i went to far..,I-i didn't mean too...",Saphir said.

"Sap you don't need to apologize..ugh!
My shoulder..don't worry I'm fine...",Dream said clutching his shoulder.

"No!,your not big D,what if Saphir sword cut through your collar bone!!",Cassie said.

"Shut up Cass",Jayden replied as He takes off his water pouch and walks up to Dream,and starts healing the wound as a blue light glowed and the wound recovered Jayden walked back as Nick hugs Dream while tearing up.

"I'm sorry for what I did to you for years,I thought you didn't care about me and George but I was wrong!,you actually did care for us,I'm sorry Dream I'm so sorry..."Saphir said.

"it's okay Sap I forgive you" Dream said and Saphir smiled then wiped the tears off his cheeks.

"but there's no to waste,we have to find George!",Dream said serious.

"George?,I saw him walked to the west side half an hour ago is something wrong?"Sophia said.

"is he alright??",Dream replied worried.

"What do you mean he's alright??",Kyle asked confused.

"Nightmare got him..."

"What?!,How did you know Sap??!!",Tyler said.

"I watched him get beat up by of nightmare men and got taken away,it was my fault for not saving him..",Saphir said looking down.

"Saphir you did what?!!",Milo yelled.

"Alright you guys I had enough of this!!,George is in danger!,and we have to save him before it's too late now c'mon!!",Dream said running forward with the others followed behind.

George was still bleeding out and was about to close his eyes when suddenly the window next to him breaks and he saw Drista.

"George!",Drista said as she rushed to him,And she Unties him and takes out the syringe off his neck and heals it.

"Glad you came,"George said.

"Sorry for being late",Drista replied.

"We got them!!,"a voice said And Drista turned around to see one enemy at the door.

"Shit!!"The guy said.

"not this time asshole!!",Drista yelled as she throws him to the wall and he grows Drista then pulls out her sword and Raised it up the Air and the guy eyes widened.

"Die!!",Drista yelled,
as she starts stabbing him George in horror,as Drista kills the guy brutally while blood splatter on her and after finishing she puts her sword back.

then suddenly Drista and George hears footsteps coming to the room.

"Hurry!,I heard screaming!!"

"we need to get out of here!",Drista said,and George nodded and gets up but tripped a bit and went to the window.

"The target is escaping!!"

"don't let them get away!!"

"that bitch killed James!!"

*how many bastards do I have to fucking
kill?!*,Drista thought.

George then reaches the window and climbs out and turns around To see Drista fighting the men and he looks away and jumps out.

*to be continued*

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