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In the dimly lit room, frustration hung heavy in the air as I found myself entangled in the web of mathematical complexities. The weight of endless problems, equations, and solutions bore down on me, pushing me to the brink of exasperation. With a sudden burst of emotion, I couldn't help but exclaim, "Who even came up with this whole math thing?!"

My hands reached for my hair in a fit of frustration, and a mild bump against the study table served as a physical release for the mental strain. A fleeting thought reassured me that it was just a light bump, a physical manifestation of the battle waging in my mind.

The relentless pursuit of mathematical understanding seemed absurd in the face of mundane tasks like buying groceries. In my mind, the simplicity of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division should suffice for daily needs. Why delve into the intricate realms of calculus and other mathematical agendas? Can't mathematicians be content with the basics?

The looming calculus test added another layer of anxiety. The prospect of grappling with complex theorems and formulas threatened to be the harbinger of my academic demise. The frustration escalated into a silent scream at the impending ordeal.

Amidst the chaos of numbers and symbols, a longing for escape manifested. The desire to be transported to another world, one free from the shackles of study, financial worries, and the burdens of reality, enveloped my thoughts. In the recesses of my imagination, I envisioned a life akin to the noble series I devoured on Wattpad, in comics, and anime – a world of peace and happiness.

Reality loomed over me, an unavoidable force that demanded acknowledgment. With a resigned sigh, I conceded that this was my existence, and I had to confront its challenges head-on. The disdain for math lingered, a sentiment I couldn't shake off.

Amidst my contemplation, a jarring interruption pierced the air— the persistent ringing of my phone. A lazy scan of my surroundings revealed the absence of the device. Puzzled, I scratched my head, attempting to revive the hazy memory of its last known location.

Frustration crept in again, accompanied by a self-deprecating thought. Forgetfulness at twenty—was I succumbing to premature aging? The incessant ringing continued, an annoying reminder of my incomplete recollection.

Driven by necessity, I reluctantly embarked on a search for the elusive phone. As I stood up, an unexpected encounter disrupted the mundane task. Something sticky descended onto my face, sending a shiver down my spine. Panic gripped me as I realized it was not a mere object but a living being.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" I unleashed a banshee-like scream, the reverberations of terror echoing in the room. Desperation fueled my attempts to dislodge the clinging creature, a baby lizard with four tiny feet and two curious eyes.

"Wahhhh!! Get away from meee!!!!" The chaotic dance between fear and the unexpected unfolded, turning the mundane quest for a ringing phone into a surreal encounter with a sticky-faced lizard.

In the midst of my desperate attempt to free myself from the sticky-clawed invader, a round object beneath my foot sent me into an uncontrolled shout. "Wa-wa-waittttttttttt!!!" I cried out, my equilibrium lost in a chaotic symphony of falling objects.

The swivel chair became my unsteady refuge, but its stability crumbled under the impact of my body. In a split second, I found myself in a precarious balancing act, gripping onto the study table and nearby furniture for dear life. The room trembled with the aftermath of the tumult, and my descent was halted, albeit ungracefully, with a safe landing on the ground. A sigh of relief escaped me – at least, I hadn't fallen headfirst.

Just as tranquility seemed to return, an unexpected blow interrupted the peace. "Ouch!" The world around me spun, and a wave of dizziness engulfed my senses. The room blurred, my vision becoming a distorted canvas of swirling shapes.

In the midst of the swirling chaos, the room transformed into a vortex of spinning confusion, leaving me bewildered and unable to grasp the reality of the situation.

Efforts to halt the spinning sensation by touching my head were futile; my hands remained motionless, locking me in a statue-like stillness. Amidst this bizarre paralysis, a vivid image of my coin-filled vase flashed in my mind, triggering a surge of panic. Secrecy became my priority – the clandestine nature of my savings was crucial, especially to avoid parental scrutiny.

Desperation fueled my attempt to reclaim the elusive vase, but darkness descended before I could secure it. The last lingering thought echoed – my savings.

A sudden shift in consciousness introduced a new environment, accompanied by a soft voice uttering the word "Aisle." Balancing on the verge of slumber, the voice persisted, gently coaxing me to awaken.

"Wake up, Aisle! We need to fetch some water!" The command shattered my drowsy reverie, prompting a defensive response as I jolted awake. In a reflexive move, my fist swung forward, poised to confront an imaginary intruder. The tension dissolved into a surprised silence when a chuckle cut through the air.

"Where's the intruder?!" I exclaimed, maintaining my defensive stance. The answer, however, emerged in the form of laughter, dispelling the remnants of my dream-induced paranoia.

The uncertainty lingered in the air as I contemplated the nature of the presence in my room. Ghost or thief, I remained steadfast – no one would abscond with my savings without facing my resolute resistance.

"Pfff hahaha, you're funny, Aisle. I didn't know you do sleepwalking," remarked a soft voice, dispelling the earlier tension. The irritating voice from before had transformed into amusement.

Turning my gaze towards the source, I was taken aback to find a captivating little girl of about eight or nine, adorned in tattered yet carefully mended clothing. Despite the beggar-like appearance, her face radiated an angelic charm.

When did I allow a child to share my room?

"" I inquired, grappling with the haze of consciousness.

"You can't fool me with that joke of yours, Aisle. Here." Suddenly, she handed me a bucket, which I reluctantly accepted. "Now, let's go fetch some water in the mountains before mother comes back. You don't want to be punished again, do you?" she asked.

Frowning, I sensed that something was amiss. "Wait..wait..wait.. As far as I remember, I don't have a bucket in my room. And mountains? Mountains are too far from my place," I burst out, perplexed by the strange elements in play – a little girl in my room and an oddly designed bucket reminiscent of Disney princess tales.

The girl sighed deeply. "Stop talking nonsense, Aisle. Let's go now, or we'll get punished by mother later." With that, she forcibly dragged me out of the house against my will.

"Hey, stop dragging me!" I shouted, attempting to free myself, but her grip only tightened.

"We're now outside. Look! It's sunrise!" she exclaimed, pointing towards a breathtaking sight that captured my attention.

"Tch. Sunrise? That's too common to se-" I began to dismiss it until my eyes caught something extraordinary. My jaw dropped as I beheld the vast expanse of flower fields stretching out before me, flanked by two majestic mountains, with the sun rising majestically in the center.

"What the.. just where... in the world am I?" I whispered in disbelief, taking in the surreal beauty of the scene.

Turning to locate my supposed exit, I realized it wasn't my room; it was a modest dwelling. I glanced at the bucket in my hands, my attention drawn to the worn-out clothes I was wearing. My gaze then shifted to the little girl, smiling blissfully while observing the sunrise.

The way she called me "aisle."

Realization struck me.

Did I just get reincarnated?!

"To the mountains!" she exclaimed, snapping me out of my contemplation.

I snapped out of my thoughts as her voice resonated, and the next thing I knew, we were running towards the mountain, her firm grip holding my hand. There was no moment of respite for my shocked senses.

Oh, gracious mamacita.

I really am in another world.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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