25 // Werewolf

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Ashton: Calum's like a werewolf, he gets violent at night for some reason. I don't even know why. And he's usually naked. Which is off putting.

Luke: that was great... like, um, metaphor.

Ashton: what?

Luke: you said he was like a... thingy.

Ashton: a werewolf.

Luke: a werewolf.

Ashton: he's like a thingy! He's like one of those thingies!


Alright guys I might not be posting for a little bit bc I was a dumbass to let my dad try and transfer stuff from my old iPod onto my new one and I literally lost all my photos from here and I'm pretty sure it deleted my iCloud so I'm fucked. If you know how to get it back message me or something cause I cried. Bye bye.

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