Chapter One. "Kurt."

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Third Person

It was a normal enough day for Kurt Hummel. About fifteen minutes after walking through the school doors, he was met with a harsh, white-shirt-staining 'good morning'. He already suspected that this would happen, having packed an extra outfit and a plastic bag in his bookbag this morning. He'd learnt the patterns in his tormentors behavior and concluded that since they can't leave campus due to threats of suspension, he'll only get one slushy-session a day. The people around him in the halls all clearly saw what happened, but chose to not help.

Kurt was used to this response and made his way to the nearest guys bathroom to sort himself out. After quickly washing the will-be stains from his skin, he popped into a stall to exchange his clothes. He was now stood behind a sink, looking at himself in the mirror and trying to fix his forever-perfect chestnut hair. Kurt froze up at the sound of the bathroom door opening, expecting it to be Karofsky or Azimio telling him to 'fly away to the girls bathroom'. But instead when he turned his head, he was met with a smile. A really cute smile. A really really cute smile.

"Hey, are you okay? I saw you run in here a little bit ago, and your face is really red." Kurt was taken aback by the seemingly-sincere voice, not sure if he was being tricked or if he was being given real sympathy. He hadn't seen this guys before, but the varsity jacket made him draw the conclusion that this was the new linebacker. Whatever that meant. Maybe this guy hadn't yet caught wind of the fact that Kurt was gay. And now he was taking too long to respond.

"Uhm- sorry. Yes, I'm okay, just getting...syrup...out of my hair." It was true, but withheld enough information to spare himself the embarrassment and immediately putting a target on his back.

"Well, my names Blaine." The sunset-eyed boy said, gallantly.

"Kurt." He replied, shaking the hand that was stuck out to him.

"I'm new here, I started on Monday and I made the football team on Tuesday. You're in my math and English classes. You're actually really smart y'know?" Kurt wasn't sure what to think. This guy with perfect eyelashes who smelt who smelt like raspberries, coffee, and sandalwood was having a conversation with him. But...he was on the football team.

"Oh, thank you. I feel like I haven't seen you though, do you sit at the back of the class? I know that probably sounds rude, but this is pretty much the first I've seen of you. I mean I've heard about you, everyone seems to like you, I just didn't realize I actually-" Kurt was rambling at this point and Blaine decided to cut him off. As cute as he thought it was.

"Kurt- stop. It's okay, don't worry about it. I sit across the class and behind you. I don't answer questions or yell at the teacher, so I'm not surprised you didn't know I was there. Anyways, I just wanted to make sure that you're okay. What happened?" That made Kurt feel a bit better about himself, but he wasn't sure how honest he could be. He wanted Blaine to have friends, and he didn't want Blaine to hate the rest of the football or think they were bad people.

"Oh, somebody threw a slushy in my face. At least it was my favorite flavor though. Don't stress though, it happens like every day, so I'm used to it by now." Kurt said, nonchalantly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You shouldn't be used to it. I thought when David and co talked about dumping slushies into peoples faces they were joking. It seems like the thing they should be getting detentions for. Why do they target you? You seem like a nice enough person." Blaine had heard the jokes in the locker rooms but he thought was all they were. Jokes.

"Uhm-" Kurt was conflicted. He wanted to be honest to the boy, but if he wanted to have some sort of friendship with him, he couldn't know he was gay. "It's cause I'm in the school show choir or glee club. We're called the New Directions. Before you laugh, I know it sounds like Nude Erections. I know it's lame, that's why they throw me in dumpsters, and locker, and hit me and- it doesn't matter." Blaine was about to offer Kurt sympathy, but the first class bell sounded.

"I'm sorry, I'll see you around, okay?"



"What? I don't want to do that." Blaine told Karofsky. Them and the rest of the football team were gathered in the locker room after practice, drenched in sweat. The others were telling Blaine that to solidify his place on the team, he had to humiliate a glee clubber. Blaine liked music, to say the least, and he didn't want to hurt somebody in the club for no good reason. His team members were debating if Blaine was allowed to be on team if he wasn't tossing losers in dumpsters. The footballers that were on the glee club showered and left as soon as they could so they weren't late for their other commitments.

"Either you fuck with them, or we fuck with you." Dave piped.

"Oh my god, fine. What's the least I can do?" Blaine didn't want to lose his status as a member on the football team. Obviously the coach wasn't gonna kick him off, but the other players would drive him to quit. He didn't want to hurt someone.

"If you want to be a pussy about it, all you've gotta do is shove someone into a locker. A few times. Either the same day, or a few times a week. Every once in a while. People need to fear you. You need to keep people on their toes."

"How do I know what people I'm meant to shove into lockers?"

"Not people, person. One guy in particular. Or should I say girl? Kurt Hummel. You'll know its him with the giant hair and the stupid faggy ass outfits." Blaine didn't want to hear that. Kurt was nice. And he liked his hair, it was cool, even if it was half ruined because of the raspberry slush that drenched him head to toe. And what was wrong with his clothes? Why was the word gay being used in place of the word bad or ugly?

"God, whatever." Blaine was going to find Kurt, just to give him a heads up. Blaine got up and left, having already showered and reapplied his ever-present hair gel.

Where would he find Kurt?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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