Scott Pilgrim x Ramona - Coffee Shop AU

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The bells above the coffee shop door jingled as Scott walked in. Scott was supposed to meet Knives to break it off with her today, but he decided to stop in for some coffee first. He would need some energy for the day he was about to have.

"Hey, welcome to *coffee shop name,* what can I get for you today," the waitress said.

She seemed to appear out of nowhere, almost as if she materialized from thin air. She had pink hair with blue tips, and was wearing a hot pink dress with an apron. Her monotone voice hinted at how much she cared about what he wanted to eat. They've both met before, and the waitress preferred to keep their interactions to a minimum. She barely knew him, and was using his unconscious dreamscape to deliver dvds for Netflix.

Scott stared at her for a good minute or so, trying to figure out where he's seen her before. He hated feeling like he knew her, but didn't know why. Then, it hit him.. she's the girl of, or from, his dreams.

"Are you real," he finally asked.

"Did you just ask me if I was real," the waitress retorted.

"Yeah, I swear I've seen you in my dreams.. but I don't know why," Scott explained.

The waitress told Scott her reasoning for being in his dreams, which only confused him further.

"Well, want to go out with me," Scott asked shyly.

"You don't even know my name," the waitress said, kind of annoyed that this was happening.

Even though she was annoyed, she thought her situation was kind of funny.

"I'm sorry, I'm Scott Pilgrim. What's your name- wait- can I guess your name," Scott questioned with a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Uhh, go for it," the waitress said.

"Is your name... Diana," Scott asked with a smirk.

"Not even close," the waitress said with a snicker.

"What about -"

"Ramona! What the f*** are you doing," Julie Powers yelled.

"Sorry Julie, just taking Scott's order," the waitress, now identified as Ramona, stated.

"Well hurry up! We have a busy day and... oh, Scott..."

"Hi Julie," Scott said, fear obviously written on his face.

"You two.. know each other," Ramona asked.

"Yeah, we do. Take Scott's order and go on to the next table," Julie demanded.

"Right, sorry," Ramona apologized, looking bashfully at Scott.

Once Julie walked away, things seemed to be less tense between Scott and Ramona.

"So, you're Ramona. Do you want to go out with me," Scott asked again.

Ramona laughed at Scott's air headed attitude.

"Well, it doesn't have to be a date! It could be a low key team up, Scott and Ramona.. joining forces. I'm pretty sure you're new in town, I'm old in town..." Scott rambled.

"Sure, what's your number," Ramona asked, taking out a pen and writing his number in her notepad.

"I'll call you once I get off work. Then we can plan a date... or a low key team up," Ramona said with a smile.


Later that afternoon Scott came back to his apartment, his heart lighter than it was in a long time.

Wallace Wells, Scott's cool gay roommate was sitting in his iconic chair, waiting for Scott to return.

"I bet you're wondering why I haven't been home since this morning," Scott chirped.

"Well, I did wonder how I got so lucky," Wallace teased.

"Actually, it is I who got lucky.. because I just met the girl of, or from, my dreams," Scott announced.

"Good for you.. you need to break up with Knives," Wallace said with a scolding tone.

"I know, I'm going to call her right now," Scott promised.

Scott picked up the phone and dialed Knives's number.

*Ring Ring*
*Ring Ring Ring*

"Scott," Knives exclaimed.

"You didn't show up at the bus stop, are you okay," Knives asked, her concern very clear.

"Yeah, uh, Knives... we have to break up. I've found someone.. and apparently a twenty-three year old dating a high schooler is frowned upon by society," Scott explained very quickly.

"Oh.. okay," Knives said, clearly disappointed.

"Well, we can stay friends if you want," Scott offered.

"I think I need some alone time.. but after that, maybe we can," Knives sniffled.

Scott felt bad about this, but he knew it needed to happen. He wasn't about to date two people at the same time. He wasn't evil or anything...

"Well, take your time. I'll be here for you if you need me. Hopefully we'll talk sometime soon," Scott said, trying to wrap up this awkward conversation.

"Thank you... and Scott?"


"I hope she makes you happy," Knives choked out, hanging up quickly after.

Wallace began to clap sarcastically, "great job breaking an angel's heart."

"I don't need to take this guff from you," Scott retorted.

"You're right. You don't. So, make plans with your new girl and leave me alone," Wallace said, beginning close his eyes and drift off.


Scott waited near the phone for nearly two hours. Finally, the phone began to ring, and Scott jumped to answer it.

"Uhh, is this Scott?"

"Yes! Is this Ramona," Scott teased.

"Yup, so, what were you thinking about for our date," Ramona asked.

"Well.. I was thinking we could go to the park," Scott suggested, happiness seeping into his voice.

"Ok, I'm free tonight if you're okay with that. Where do you live," Ramona asked.

Scott gave Ramona his address, and she agreed to be at his place in twenty minutes. They talked for a few more minutes before saying goodbye.


After a five minute walk, Scott and Ramona finally made it to the park. They talked about their pasts, despite Ramona's intuition telling her not to. She told him about her ex's, their league, and her childhood. Scott told Ramona about Wallace, his family, and Knives.

It was awkward to talk about Knives with Ramona, but it was the right thing to do. Ramona actually enjoyed openly talking about her feelings, and her past. She felt at home for the first time in a while. Which was slightly discomforting, seeing as she just met Scott. But, she pushed past those feelings and enjoyed being in the moment.

It began to snow aggressively. So, Ramona offered to take Scott home with her. He agreed, and was a little happy that their date wasn't entirely ruined.


Ramona had used her sub space highway to get her and Scott home safely. Once they had settled in a bit, Ramona noticed Scott was shaking from the cold. She offered him some hot tea and a blanket, which he gladly accepted.

Scott warmed up, and after a bit they were cuddling together on Ramona's couch, watching 'Columbo.' Everything was perfect..

Soon enough, Scott began to feel sleepy, the coffee finally wearing off. He had fallen asleep, snoring softly next to Ramona. When she realized this, she turned the tv's volume down a bit, and closed her eyes.

She finally felt like she didn't need to run, and that this wouldn't be another "failed experiment." Ramona fell asleep thinking about how this all happened because she was the girl of, or from, Scott's dreams.

- END -

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