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Just listing what I remember my "mom" doing to me growing up.

-threatened embarrassment(threatened to tell everyone for the most unnecessary reasons)

-gets mad at me for not taking care of myself and then doesn't even try to help

-lack of care for my opinions(98% of the time)

-sent me to school while I was visibly ill/in a lot of physical pain

-once hit 6-8yr old me with a belt(just for saying no or something)

-hit me harder than necessary

-never apologised for hitting me,just made me feel worse

-yells at me when I didn't even do anything

-judgy over my friends

-kinda controlling(I can't even have online freedom)

-questions me about every app I download on my phone

-disregards my privacy

-expects me to be the best at everything

-Hit me in the back really hard a few years ago,when I told my teacher why I was still crying(it fuckin hurt and I cried all the way to school)I said my sisters did it to keep her out of trouble...she got mad over that.

-"I do it because I love you"No the fuck you dont.You don't hit a child so hard they bawl for the next 10 minutes because you "love" them.

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