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Gren and Woody are still at the crime scene, Jack is with Doctor Swineheart and helping him with the dwarf bodies and Holly, Snow and I are currently looking through history books with dwarves. You know I was shocked when Snow wanted to help with the investigation. Just six hours ago, she showed no emotion and no feelings towards the dead dwarves - but now she seems concerned and worried. Holly's words kept repeating in my head - people change. But Snow couldn't have done it... Right?

"What the hell is happening here?!"

Ugh just what I needed - Cranes annoying ass head in my fucking investigation

"Oh hello.. sir" Snow said awkwardly

"Well Miss. White care to explain whats happening here?" Crane asked 

"Jack, Holly, Gren and Woody, found two dead bodies - and we were just looking through books if we know them or their history" Snow replied boldly

"Excuse me? DEAD BODIES?!?

"Well, yes dead bodies, I tried to find you - but you were not in the office. So I assumed you were at your daily massage with Vivian.."

"What dead bodies?"

"They were dwarves" Holly replied

"Dwarves? - great now there's a killer on the loose? The last thing I need with mayor Cole away is hysteria! Do you understand me?!" yelled Crane

"Yes of course I do but--" Snow got cut off

"Don't interrupt me Miss Snow"

"You asked me a question!"

"Don't change the subject, you are the one to blame for this unpleasantness Miss Snow!"

"Hey Crane, if anyone's to blame, its me. You don't need to be yelling at Snow" I admitted 

Snow looked at me with sad and innocent eyes.

"Oh your role in this is duly noted. Yes let's talk about that! Sheriff, you are the one who is in charge of protecting the fables. Your failure to do so cost the lives of two dwarves - not one dwarf but two! So tell me, are there any leads? Any suspects" Crane asked

"Um maybe" Holly uttered

"What was that Miss Holly" Crane asked annoyed

"She said no one yet" I said quickly, thinking Holly would say Snow.

"Right no one" she said

"Well you better hurry and do it quietly - there is no need for other citizens in Fabletown to get worried - they were only dwarves" Crane said viciously

"Are you saying since they were dwarves, people wouldn't care as much?" I said getting mad

"Oh sheriff you know what I mean - okay I'm getting late for my um.. daily massage with Vivian" 

"No I don't know what you mean by--" I was cut off by the one and only Snow

"Okay goodbye.. sir" Snow said as she walked in front of me

And with that Crane left

"You would have made him angrier" grumbled Snow

"Alright - lets get back to the books" Holly interrupted

We went back to the old books - there was literally nothing in the books. NOTHING. This investigation was going no where. We had no leads, no suspects and no clues. Who would want to kill the dwarves - the only person that kept coming to my mind was Snow.

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