Chapter 2: KitKat

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"HIROOO!!!" You yelled as you walked into his lab, nearly causing him to fall of his chair. You still needed his help with building your robot.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"I have a problem that I need help with." You said sadly.

Baymax suddenly waddled into the room. "Is it because you are a-"

"NO BAYMAX!" You yelled. "Hiro, can you just come help me with my robot?"

Hiro smiled gleefully. "Sure!"


"I'm pretty sure your not suppose to-"

"Y/N, I know what I'm doing."

"You sure about that?"


"...Is the eye suppose to be hanging out like that?"

"I'm not done yet, jeez!"

"Ok... ok..."




"What's with the foot?"

"I GIVE UP" Hiro yelled, causing your eyes to widen as you back away slowly.

"Really? Since when do you-?"

"WAIT! Hold the phone, hold the phone, hold the phone, Y/N, HOLD THE FREAKING PHONE!"

You felt stupid when you realized he was actually handing a phone to you. "Oh! Sorry!" You quickly took it as Hiro continued to try to fix the robot.


As Hiro started asking for different tools, you gave him each one he needed.



"Sonic Screwdriver?"

"Sonic Screwdriver."

"Gummy bear?"

"Gummy bear."

*nom* *nom* *nom*

"Ok... now I'm starting to see it..." You said honestly.

"Wait.... wait... WAIT.... AH HA!!! Done." Hiro said proudly.

You looked at the glorious robot before you. All that hard work really payed off for the two of you. It was so amazingly beautiful that words couldn't even describe it......... until it caught on fire.

Both of your eyes widened. "AHHHHHHHH!!!"

*Fire extinguishing sound* You both looked towards Baymax.

"Fire can be very harmful to humans and must be extinguished if it gets out of hand." Baymax said holding the fire extinguisher.

"And that is why I must protect you Y/N!" Hiro said as he hugged you. Your cheeks turned red.

"But Y/N is not a-"

"ALBERT EINSTEIN!" You yelled. Hiro let go of you and raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, honestly I'm not always the brightest! Just sayin!" You said.



You were following Hiro as he walked through the halls. "Where are we going again?" You asked.

Hiro smiled. "You'll see."

He opened a door which led to a huge lab with people working on all sorts of projects. Flying machines, robot helpers, and gadgets of all sorts.

You're so... Adorkable! (Hiro x Neko! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now