Chapter 1 Part 1: Abyss

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In the bustling Port of Le Havre, a diverse assembly of individuals, adorned in an array of armor and armed with swords and staffs, congregated around a central figure. This collective, known as the "Elites," had recently emerged as a guild established by the Frostguards, seeking to extend their influence into the heart of France.

Comprising seasoned warriors from the Frostguard ranks and battle-tested fighters with tales etched into their very beings, the Elites stood poised for a perilous undertaking.

"Attention," the commanding figure addressed the group. "Our expedition into the Abyss is imminent. You've all been briefed on the challenges awaiting us in that corrupted land, but it bears repeating." His gaze swept across the warriors. "Our mission: gather Abyssal Flowers and secure three or four live samples of creatures like Nøkken, Draugr, or Kappa. This is a requisition, so stay vigilant, accomplish the task swiftly, and, most importantly, stay alive. Understood?"

A resounding chorus of agreement echoed through the assembly, and the Elites dispersed toward the awaiting vessel, purpose evident in their determined strides.

Nervous anticipation lingered in the air, yet fear did not grip their hearts. These warriors had willingly embraced the knowledge of what awaited them in the Abyss, having signed up for this perilous mission when their leader first revealed the destination.

Still, an undeniable tension underscored their every move. The Abyss, a land harboring creatures once thought as myths, harbored an insidious corruption that tainted the land and any foolish individual that doesn't have a God's protection.

As the Elites ventured into this malevolent domain, the very fabric of purity would confront the encroaching darkness, mirroring the duality that defined the perilous journey into the heart of the unknown.

"Hey," a woman dressed in light clothing and few armour that protected the vital points approached a man sitting by a bench reading a book "You nervous? I'm nervous, I mean how can I not be nervous were going to the fucking Abyss. I mean that's n-"

 I mean that's n-"

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Yes yes, Elaine. I know, I'm going to the same place as you are." He replied seemingly annoyed by Elaine's energy despite her nervousness. He closes the book he was reading and looked at her "If you didn't want to come you could've NOT stepped on the boat and played games as you always do"

 He closes the book he was reading and looked at her "If you didn't want to come you could've NOT stepped on the boat and played games as you always do"

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

" know, I know. But the prospect of going to the Abyss is nuts! I mean I'm scared shitless yes but I'm just curious on what that place is" Elaine spoke with a mix of eagerness and trepidation, her desire to explore the unknown clashing with an underlying fear "How come you're not afraid as I am, Cain?"

Cain, unfazed, responded, "I am unafraid because I comprehend the risks and have made preparations. Even in the face of death, a Chosen of Odin meets it with resilience. I've arranged my will, though such measures won't be necessary. Death won't easily claim us."

As the boat sailed away from the port, Cain and Elaine decided to head to the ship's mess hall to fortify their minds and bodies for the upcoming journey.

Upon arrival, they found themselves in the midst of a brawl between a Chosen of Skadi and a Chosen of Artemis.

"Shut your ass up, bitch! Everyone knows that your Goddess is just the frozen version of ours!" the Chosen of Artemis taunted, attempting a leg sweep.

In a display of agility, the Chosen of Skadi evaded the sweep and retaliated with a punch that left her opponent unconscious. Unfazed, the victorious Chosen of Skadi nonchalantly resumed her meal.

Elaine couldn't contain her laughter at the scene, but Cain, sensing trouble, swiftly pulled her away, cautioning her to keep silent amidst the brewing tensions.

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