Chapter 4- Ill try not to die!

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Libby's POV:
I smiled at the crowd that was clapping at us. I was going to help save the World! Yay!
Marcus and Gracie are coming as well.
I guess I have to say I'm happy about that. Gracie and I are planning to get back at Tim, and Marcus is just a great friend. Who is also adorable. He is super sweet and funny, and really can cheer me up.
"Okay, I need you ALL to be at the NASA Launch Pad tonight at eight. Otherwise, you will not be going," instructs Mr. Teni. We mumble plays before Save says goodbye and we are free to see our lousy couple hours on Earth.
As I step off the stage, a hand touches my shoulder. "Hmm?" I ask whipping my head around. I see the cute face of Marcus.
"Hi, Libby," he says hesitantly. I reply back back.
"Hey Marc. Are you nervous?" I ask him. He shrugs.
"I guess. I am one of the astronauts, so I have the potential of dying," he says casually, like he's talking about the weather.
I feel my heart break a little when he said that. He was my only friend, besides another girl I know named Ashley, but she isn't accompanying me. She was my one and only friend until Marcus.
"Are you?" he asks. He opens the door for me like a gentleman, and hein and laugh when he does. But I still haven't answered his question.
"i suppose. I guess it is true we might not come back, but I'm staying in the ship. But still. And I really don't want you to die, " I say sincerely. I start to have years at my eyes but I quickly wipe them away. I look over at Marcus who is speechless, staring at the ground. Did I say something wrong? Probably, you haven't been your best.
"I'll try not to, he says quietly. I turn towards him a little fast. Geez, don't seem desperate. "I said I won't try," he repeats.
"Try what?"
"Great now your deaf! Try not to freaking die," he says slowly. I blush.
As I stand near my car, I talk to Marcus for a few minutes, have one last laugh before heading home.
I think I really like Marcus. Maybe to even date him. He's funny, can cheer me up and support me. He is sweet and such a gentleman. He is such a sweet friend, not to mention he's is hot. He has smooth, tan skin, adorable features and he's tall.
Do I, Libby Hart, have a crush on Marcus?

Marcus's POV:
Today I realized I will be going into space. Going into, yes into, the biggest meteorite ever seen. So ya, I was a little freaked out. But you know what makes it all okay? The fact that my amazing friend and crush Libby will be coming with me. Sure, we might die, but we'll die together! I have to be here again at eight. I have about 11 hours to be on Earth again. The first thing I'm gonna do is get ready for the trip.
When I got home I took a long, nice shower, brushed my hair, and dressed in my best outfit. A pair of jeans and a checkered vest. After that I called my best man friend, Jonathan.
I sat on my leather chair and grabbed my phone, dialing his number.
J- Hey Marc!
M- Hi Jonathan
J- I was thinking we could maybe hang out on Saturday night, go to the club, grab some girls?
M- Yeah I would love to, but I cant.
J- Dang man. Friday?
M- Not then either. I have... news.
J- dang man you're freaking me out...
M- I'm flying into space to stop a meteorite from destroying Earth. And yes it's true so don't tell the world that!!
J- What!?! No fucking way man. No way! And you're going up there!? Dude, you'll die!!
M- There is a chance yes, but would you rather have me die, or everyone?
J- Touché
So me and Jonathan talked until noon, when my stomach was getting angry. I told Jonathan I was going, and it was sad thinking I might never talk to him again. For my last lunch I went out to a newer restaurant called Pine Ridge. It sounds and looks fancy, but it is just so wonderful.
"Seat for one?" the waiter asks. I nod and she directs me to a table. I know what I'm ordering. Today is Tuesday, so I'm having there special.
"Can I help you order?" asks a man. I nod quickly with my reply,
"The country friend steak with French fries, the chicken dumpling soup and cottage cheese please. Also a glass of water," I add.
After I finished that delightful dinner, I payed and headed home. It was three o clock. Only five hours until I am launched into never ending space. Dang, I am scared!!!

Heeeeey!!!! Soooo sorry the chapter is short. My ideas are not stopping, I just don't have wifi, so I don't often get to update. Anyway, thank you guys for NO SUPPORT?!!? >:( Come on guys bring I the votes and comments, I'll dedicate a chapter to someone who votes and comments!!
Love and Hiccuping Dogs,

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