Chapter Five

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We all decided to go back to the dropship after realizing Jasper was taken, and we also needed as many people as we can get so we can try and get him back.

We made it closer to the drop ship, when we all stop after hearing a loud commotion coming from the drop ship.

"What is that " I questioned looking towards the dropship.

" I don't know" Octavia looked at me.

"It sounds like it's coming from the drop ship" Clarke said.

The group of us automatically took off running towards the dropship. Clark and Finn were the first to make it to The center of the camp, Monty and I right behind them with a hurt Octavia between us. She had been leaning on my shoulder.

Once we got close enough we could see Wells with a knife at Murphy's throat

" Wells" Clarke yelled " what are you doing? Let him go!"

Wells listen to Clarke throwing Murphy hard to the ground, which had pissed off Murphy. In seconds, Murphy had got back on his feet lunging at Wells.

'hey! " Bellamy shouted, stepping between the two boys " Murphy! No! "

Murphy had listened to Bellamy, shooting Wells a final glare before backing off.

"O!" He gasped taking her from our grip, leading her to sit down on a rock. " Are you okay?"

Octavia let out a grunt as she slowly loward onto the rock "yeah. Great, actually."

"Where's the food?" Bellamy turned to us when Octavia had sat down on the rock.

The four of us looked at each other "we didn't make it to Mount Weather." Finn explained.

"What the hell happened out there?" Bellamy demanded as nervous chatters flooded the crowd around us.

"We were attacked" Clarke announced.

Wells looked at us frowning his brows "attacked. By what?"

"Not what" finn started, "Who. Turns out when the last guy from the ground died on the ark, he wasn't the last grounder."

More mutters began flowing around camp. "It's true." Clarke started "everything we thought we knew about the ground is wrong. There are people here, survivors. The good news is, that means we can survive, radiation won't kill us."

"The bad news is the grounders will." Finn added.

"Where's the kid with the goggled?" Wells asked randomly making me look at him.

"He was attacked, they took hi-" I announced.

"Where's your wristband?" Clarke interrupted grabbing a hold of wells arm.

Wells pulled his arm back from Clarke's grip before nodding towards where Bellamy was standing "ask him."

All of us turned towards Bellamy "how many?" Clarke asked.

Murphy, who was standing next to me with a smug look on his face "24 and counting."

"You idiots!" Clarke yelled. "Life support on the ark is failing! That's why they brought us down here. They need to know the earth to survive again and we need their help against whoever is out there. If you take off your wristband you're not just killing them, You're killing us!"

As everyone took in what Clarke had said, Bellamy spoke obviously going to ruin everything. " We're stronger than you think. Don't listen to her, she's one of the privileged, if they come down, she'll have it good. How many of you can say the same?" Bellamy spoke, mummers could be heard from the large crowd surrounding us. " We can take care of ourselves. That wristband makes you prisoner, we are not prisoners anymore! They say they'll forgive your crimes, I say you're not criminals! Your fighters, survivors, the grounders should worry about us!"

Loud cheers of agreements came from the large crowd that surrounded us.

I stormed off not wanting to listen anymore words that came out of his mouth. It's just so stupid how he thinks we're prisoners, were not. Why can't he just listen to Clarke and stop taking peoples wristband off. He's not even supposed to be down here. Wait why is he down here?

As thoughts ran through my mind. I had made my way over to the drop ship, so I could get my knife for the trip to go get Jasper.

I went inside Pulling the tarp back, running into Clarke "sorry, Clarke"

"No it's okay, are you ready?"

"Yeah I just have to get my knife than I'm ready"

I walked out and towards where I had my back pack in the drop ship. Picking up my knife I began walking back to Clarke "now I'm ready"

"You ready to go?" Clarke asked turning to finn.

"I'm not going, and neither should any of you." Finn laughed it was obvious he wasn't going to come. Clarke and I looked at each other. " That spear was thrown at pin point accuracy from 300 feet"

"Are you serious?" I asked turning to him in shock.

"So what, we just let Jasper die?" Monty snapped turning towards Finn.

"That's not going to happen." Clarke promised turning back to finn and me
" spacewalker? What a joke. You think your such a adventurer, but really your just a coward"

"Its not an adventure Clarke, it's a suicide mission" Finn defended.

I know damn well he ain't talking, he took a spacewalk waisting out air he couldv

With that Clarke pushed past him shaking her head, i turned to look at him "Jasper would've did it if you were out there"

I pushed past a sad Finn, trying to catch up with Clarke. When I had finally caught up with her and wells, they were talking to Bellamy and Octavia. "Are you guys leaving now? I'm going to" Octavia explained pulling her pant leg down.

"No, not now, not again" Bellamy shot down the offer, giving no one else a chance to say anything.

Octavia look like she was going to argue but Clarke stepped in. "He's right, your leg will just slow us down"

She looked at me with sad eyes "tavi, you need to heal, your leg could get infected".

She gave me a sad smile before looking back at Clarke and Bellamy "I came here for you" Clarke announced looking at Bellamy.

"What, why him of all the people in this camp?" I exclaimed in shock, causing Bellamy to give me a dirty look.

"I hear you have a gun." Clarke continued, Bellamy pulling his glare away from me as he nodded towards Clarke, lifting up his shirt to reveal the gun on his waistband.

"Good" Clarke exclaimed. "Follow me" she began walking away.

"And why would I do that?" Bellamy asked turning her way. I had the same question repeated in my head.

"Because you want them to follow you" she said nodding toward the center of camp "and right now they're thinking only one of us is scared"

Finally, he turned towards Murphy "Murphy, your coming with me"

Bellamy than started giving orders to people or "his friends". I turned to Octavia, giving her a small smile "rest your leg tavi, you need it anyways"

She looked at me returning the smile "I will, be safe I can't lose you, ly"

I gave her a slight nod before running to catch up with Clarke and Wells, Bellamy and Murphy followed close behind us.

This was going to be a very long walk, probably death.


Tbh I don't really like this chapter but I was in a rush for no reason, I also need time to sleep because I have a stupid test to see if I can pass and go to collage or not.

Anyways I hope your liked this story. I know that probably nobody is going to read this since this show was made in 2014-2020. I had watched it in 2020 but I didn't have Wattpad. My parents were strict till I got in 12th grade.

Vote and comment if you like this story.

Also I need help in nicknames for Everly since I can't think of one.


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