||Night with peter||‼️

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(Slight nsfw warning.)

I wore a baggy sweater, revealing my shoulders and binder straps, aswell as baggy warm pants. It was  lazy, but it's night time and I  didn't feel like putting on anything too fancy. I put on some strawberry perfume and did my hair, putting it up in a ponytail. There was a knock on the front door, I went to open it. "oh-! Hey Peter! " a smile grew on my face, I felt so excited seeing him. We have reconnected with each other for 2 days and I already feel so close with him.

"Hello, my love. " he grinned at me as well, showing his shark like teeth.
"Darling does your nose feel alright? It looks bruised. " his smiled faded slightly and he furrowed his eyebrows sadly, resting his hand on my cheek and stroked it  with his thumb. "Has it bled anymore?"

I rested my hand on his, his touch made me feel like I had butterflies in my stomach again. I stared into his deep blue eyes, my cheeks turning pink. "Um.. Yeah.. It hurts when I touch it but I think its okay.."

He looked me up and down, and blushed. He bit his under lip with his sharp teeth and looked into my eyes as well "You look so cute tonight.. " he held my hand and pulled me into the couch beside him. He seemed to sense my excitement, because he grinned wider and wider as he looked at me

I gripped onto my pants below my thighs. "U-umm.. Haha, howww are you..tonight??" I felt so many feelings beside him, shy, flustered, excited... I felt like I looked so awkward trying to hold in my emotions around him

"Better now that I'm with you.." He seemed to be excited to be with me too. He was awkward, like me. He must've not been in a relationship like me in awhile, or at all. He reached over like he was gonna grabbed my hand and then hesitanted for a moment. "U-um.. How are you, dear??"

I raised my eyebrow, looking at his hand then back up to his eyes. "I guess I could say the same as you. I know we reconnected very recently... I think I've been feeling things for you.. I..im sorry if you think I'm weird.. I just haven't really like... Been in a relationship for so long, I miss someone treating me like how you treat me now.."

His face almost turn as red as a tomato, he looked away, covering his lower face with his hand. ".. Wow aha.. I really do like you too.. -"

I grabbed his hand from his face, and held his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Thank you for caring about me, I'm not sure why you do...im just like any other basic person. Your such a sweet heart, Peter."

". . . " he pulled me by my hand towards him, making me fall over onto him. He wrapped his arms around me and stroked my back. Hugging and reassuring me "I care because I.. Ive always really had a crush on you. I know your going through some things so. I'm here for you, my darling. "

I laid my head on his chest, '... How did... He know..?' I gripped onto his shirt tightly "I-i... Love you.." I sat up and looked at him, sitting in between his lap.

He smiled at me innocent- like "I love you too darling. " he gripped onto my waist tightly, pulling me against him. He pressed his lips against my cheek and kissed it gently...

My face became hot and red. My back slightly arched with his hands on my waist, close to my hips, a devious smile grew across his face, he started to kiss my neck and shoulder. His long tongue rubbed against my neck. I tilted my head back, enjoying this moment. I tried not to make any suspicious noises so Lucy wouldn't hear "w-woaahh.. P..peter.. -" I noticed how long his tongue was when he rubbed it against my neck.

"You don't understand how long I waited for this moment...~ he pulled me over on the couch and pinned me down, staring and grinning at me deviously, showing his shark teeth.

" wa...wait- no-" I grabbed Peters hands quickly "I think.. You are going to quickly, I know your excited and I am too but..we only reconnected 2 days ago, shouldnt we take things slow..?"

It looks like those words shattered him, he got up from me slowly "Is that a no.. You do not love me?" He looked down and away upsettingly, I felt really bad.

"It's just not now.. I do really love you! I just need sometime to know you." I patted his shoulder to reassure him.

Peter lightly smiled again "okay.. I understand." He hugged me gently, I could tell he was still in pain from my words and he was trying to keep it together.

'Poor guy, he must be lonely too.' I hug him back "would you like to watch a movie?" I tried to make him feel better and stroked his back

"Sure! I would love that, dar- y/n. ."

We cuddled with a blanket and watched a few horror movies, I made popcorn for the both of us and surprisingly Lucy did not bother us the entire time.

"It is 12 am... I don't think it would be safe for you to drive right now, would it?"

"Probably not, but I can leave if you don't want me here-" he started to get up, but I grabbed his hand tightly

"Don't go, I don't want you to get hurt.."

Peters POV

They cared even after they technically rejected me..? "Um..okay! I'll stay here for tonight if that's what you want.." My heart was pounding so fast, I wanted to claim them as mine but they needed time.

"Good! " they went to their room quickly and brung out a bunch of pillows and blankets "you will sleep on the couch, is that ok??" They laid out the pillows and blankets on the couch

"Oh u-um.. Yeah sure.." I settled back on the couch

"I'm going to go to bed, I was going to after you left because I have work tomorrow so.. Good night Peter!" They hesitated but they kissed me on the cheek before going towards their bedroom quickly...

'They kissed me..their lips were so soft on my cheek..' I smiled really big before laying on the couch, I held my chest while my heart pounded from their kiss... All I could really think about is them.

(End of part 5)

🖤Love Takes Time. 🤍 (Y/n X Peter fanfic, Ybg🔪🔞) Where stories live. Discover now