PROLOGUE : Job Interview with a Chance of Trollnapping PT.1

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It all started with a piece of paper flying into the territory of the seemingly forgotten group of pop trolls, renamed as the Putt-Putt Trolls due to their home being an abandoned bergen golf park.

The paper flew through the neighborhood of the golf park until it landed on the admin building/bedroom home of a certain frizzy green haired former boyband member/safety nut, immediately waking up from the sound of the paper hitting his sad-looking house.

“H-Huh!? Who's there!?,” yelped the homeowner as he got up from his bed and headed to the door. Opening the door, it was blocked by huge fancy-looking letters with diamonds.

“AH! WHO PUT THIS HERE!?” He yelled as he tried to get the paper off of his house. Once he was able to, he discovered that it was an advertisement.

“Oooooh! An advert for an … accountant job? In Mount Rageous?...I have never been to this 'Mount Rageous' place before…and this flier is asking for anyone who can do taxes..let's see..oh! The number is on here..hmm..I need to think this through before I do anything.” he mumbled to himself, not sure what to do with the letter and the offer that was written on.

He always had provided his services to the Putt-Putt Trolls, who looked up to him with respect and seriousness which he always loved most, especially the leader of the Putt-Putt Trolls, Viva.

She always called him “Mr. Clay” like he was a respected person which he secretly admits that he absolutely loves when she calls him that.

But this ad is asking him to be a licensed cpa at a totally unfamiliar and strange new place he has never been to or have seen before, and there may be some new people who can treat him like how the Putt-Putt Trolls treat him, with respect and seriousness… yet…

He doesn't want to leave his golf course home, it's leader or it's people because he wanted to go somewhere that is different from his own place… but then he began to remember a saying that one of his brothers once said to him : “It's ok to explore new things even if you don't feel comfortable breaking away from your role.” and the only brother who understood him the best was not here.

“..Floyd…I miss you little bro..” he mumbled to himself as he kept looking at the paper.

He's not sure just how long he spent staring unblinking at the advert, trying to come to a decision. All manner of scenarios rushed through his mind, near endless possibilities pushing past his mind's eye.

He almost pushes off to discuss this with Viva, but stops before he even makes the first step. Viva's very well meaning but… with her past, she's just going to tell him to stay, without fully regarding the offer at hand. Clay lets out a full body sigh, before tucking his hand under his chin. This is going to take a while to decide, isn't it?

He then folded the advert into a square and put it inside his house. Then he decided to do some patrols of the Golf course grounds to clear his head. “Just gonna do some patrols before making a big decision about the next big thing in my life” he muttered, beginning the patrols of the course.

After some patrol rounds, Clay's mind remained on that poster He still had in his home, it felt like it was calling his name and it would not let him rest.

'Agh..dang it..that advert is not leaving my feels like a siren has its beautiful song stuck in my head like an earworm and it will not disappear until i make a decision!' he thought as he headed back to his house.

Suddenly, Viva tackles him into a surprise hug.

“MR. CLAY! you totally didn't miss my hug, I'm so happy!” seemed like Viva was her usual happy/secretly traumatized self.

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