i didnt know.

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Another person comes a long and you don't realize how much you really like a person until you are competing for their attention.

in any setting,
in any scenario,
it has always been
me and you.

it didn't matter who
we were with;
we were always together
and if we weren't we would
find a million of other ways to be.

it was like that
when we were
children and it was like
that when we were teens,
and now I'm starting
to question if I'll be there
at your side as adults.

I can see it in your eyes
when a woman of beauty
catches your interest
and for the rest of the
day it's all you can think about;
whether its spoken or unsaid,
I can sense the want and desire.

I didn't realize how
much it has affected me
until now, finally blossoming
into our own bodies and hoping
to touch the skies.

I didn't notice it then,
too busy partying
with our friends,
but a part of me
was always grasping
onto your attention,
hoping to leave any trace
of my femininity onto you.

can you see it? did you see it?
my subtle lean. my longing stares.
my obvious hints about a man like you.

to me, you are the one
and I wish you would see me the same.

I no longer want to be a friend
but I dare wouldn't say anything
out of cowardice.

it is better to suffer in silence
rather for us to be strangers
over a simple confession.

I would rather be beside you
as whatever you want than
to lose you over love.

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