Chapter V Attack of the Hutts

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The planet Sadri, Sako minor.. The colonists are being taken over by the Gamorrean security for the Hutt, they are riding on Rancor.. "I won't be able to hold them off for long, move!" Keeve yelled to the Rodains.. "You are not the only Jedi here, Master.." Jade said to her.. "Then Padawan, help me protect the colonists, instead of standing there looking." Keeve yelled at Jade.. "We are helping." Katooni yelled at Keeve.. Her and Jade were back to back deflecting the blaster fire from Saw and the others.. It did not help that Saw was firing at the Drengir too... "You know if we would have talked with the Hutt, we would not be in this position." Jade yelled to Keeve.. "We can get them clear, Keeve.." Ceret said to her.. "Ceret.. No, you're too weak." Keeve yelled to him... "True but the Force is strong.. Everyone come with us." Ceret said to the Rodians.. "You are right, Padawan, we should have listened to each other." Keeve said to her.. "What?" Jade asked as she looked over at Keeve.. "How are we supposed to get past that?" Kal asked.. "That is a Rancor, my friend." Saw said to him.. "He is so cool." Bartol said with huge eyes.. "No he is not!" Katooni yelled at him.. "We will hold them back, the Force is with us." Ceret said... "Let me help you with that huh?" Jade said, rushing over to him to hold the Runcorns back with the Force.. While Kal, Bartol and the others slipped by.. "We could have made things better, we could have made a difference..." Keeve mumbled as she fought them.. "We are one.." Ceret said as he got stood on by the Rancor... "I don't think he likes you much, friend." Saw said to him.. "Saw help him!" Jade yelled at him.. "How, I can not kill the Rancor.." Saw said to her.. Jade rushed over and Force pushed the beast off of Ceret.. Saw smiled at her.. "Remind me never to make you angry." He said with a grin.....

Before.. "Noble Jedi.. on behalf of the wise and gracious Hutt Cartel.. I Myarga The Beleovent, thank you for your service.. But your work here is done." Hutt said... "In short, get the hell out of here.." translated from Huttese... "Your planet? I'm not sure I understand the claim here, Sedri Minor is not in Hutt space.." Kriss replied, cool as a cucumber.... "It is quite simple Master Jedi.." Hutt said to her.. "How simple?" Jade asked, looking at her.. "These pitiful colonists signed a contract.. The Hutt Cartel protects in return for regular payments on grain.. They maintained their side of the bargain.. We're here to keep ours.." Hutt said to them.. "To protect their Bacta Supply, she means this is nothing but a protection racket." Sskeer said in anger again... "You are getting angry again Master Sskeer. Maybe you should tone it down a little.. Stay on the light side, maybe?" Jade said to him.. "Yes, the light side.. Yes, Padawan, I must stay with the light.. " Sskeer said, looking at Jade.. "Good, good." Jade said, watching him.. He then turned to Keeve.. "Why doesn't Avar do something?" Sskeer asked Keeve... "She is Sskeer, she's negotiating to make the Hutt see sense.." Keve said to him.... "No.." Sskeer said in anger.. "No, Master light side." Jade said.. But he was not listening or not caring as he then went off.. "It's not enough!" Sskeer yelled with anger.. "Sskeer!" Kriss said in a stern voice.... As Sskeer lashes out at the Hutt with his tree arm.. "Oh shit he did it." Jade said to Saw.. "Was it always like this with Obi-Wan?" Saw asked her.. "Pretty much." Jade replied..

"I am attacked.. Blast them into atoms, tear them limb from limb.." Myarga yelled at her security... Jade looked over at Keeve, she could feel her panic and sadness.. "Everything has changed.." Keeve said, looking at Jade.. "He is still your Master.. The one that taught you everything.. He is just lost. You have to give him a chance." Jade said to her.. "No he is gone.." Keeve said to her.. "Maybe not.. Talk to him, tell him you remember him when you were young.. Remember the missions you took together.. The things you shared.." Jade said to her.. "No, he is gone forever." Keeve said to Jade.. "No he is not.. Talk to him.. Do not let him go because he did not believe in you.. You have to try!" Jade yelled at Keeve.. As Saw took out his blaster again, he stood behind Jade and Katooni as they defended the blaster fire.. "How many mercs are on that thing?" Keeve asked in annoyance.... "If I know the Hutt, and I do.. There would be enough to start a war." Jade said.. "Then it is our job to stop it." Kriss replied.. "I don't think you can." Jade replied..

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