Chapter 1 - 2

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The next moments were a haze. The flame in his father's hand extinguished with a loud crackle and the horror was clear in his eyes. .Eran's legs gave up under him and he felt lightheaded, but at the same time, his heart was pounding and he could hear the blood rushing in his ears. Just as Eran lost consciousness due to the shock he saw how all the candles in his father's study went, out and his research scattered everywhere, as if picked up by a strong gust of wind.

"Eran? Son?"

Eran opened his eyes and groaned as the light stung, still replaying the visions of fire he had dreamt of while unconscious. He realised that they were still in his father's study, and he was lying in bed in the inner room. The last hours of the night had already crawled by and the first rays of the sun were already beginning to shine through the windows.

"Wha- what happened?" Eran asked drowsily, gently brushing his dark hair away from his face. The room smelled of sulfur and traces of the substance still floated in the air.

His limbs felt weary, as if he had run a hundred miles last night. He was fatigued and ashamed. He never was as hardy as his father, and sudden bouts of sickness and fatigue were rather common - especially if something unexpected took place. Eran yawned and started piecing back together the events of last night. His mind was sluggish. Fire. No, magic? Nervously, he clutched the sheets and glanced at his father, who felt unfamiliar. It was this feeling that deeply disturbed Eran, as his father had always been the one he trusted the most despite his absences.

"I, uh... I didn't realize-." he stuttered. A sudden fit of coughing interrupted him.

"Son. You're burning up," his father replied with a soothing voice, even though concern was evident on his face. "Take it easy and we'll discuss what you saw later."

Eran looked around the room he had never set foot in. It looked plainer than he had expected. Bookshelves, maps, and charts covered most of the walls, and a large table stood opposite the door. Alembics and other alchemical peripherals covered the table, as well as faintly glowing crystals of many colours. What peaked Eran's intrigue, though, was a small circle drawn onto the table. It was chalk white and had multiple lines and shapes with complex equations running across. Had he the time he was sure that he could figure the pattern out.

The candles were lit and it appeared that his father's research was intact. Was it all just a fever dream? He clutched the sheet again and forced himself to sit up. His father instantly rushed to help him.

"I'm all right," he said weakly. The world was spinning but Eran shook his head, refusing to give in. "We are going to have that talk now, I'm afraid."

Realizing that Eran was not going to back down this time, his father sighed and sat back down into his chair. William was taller than most, unlike Eran, who shared his mother's height. Eran glanced at the outer door: it was shut.

"Is it safe to speak here?" he asked.

"Yes," his father answered. He stood up, closed the inner door and sat back down.

"So... You are one of them? A magician?" Eran asked and sincerely hoped that what he had seen was indeed a dream. His father sighed and rubbed his temples.

"That would be the case, yes," his father replied.

Another wave of dizziness hit Eran. My father is a magician. His kind are responsible for hundreds of deaths. He could be dangerous.

"How long?"

"Since I was your age, perhaps slightly older," he said, and scratched his beard.

"Is there anything else I should know of you? Like your name, is it even William?"

His father chuckled warmly. "I can hardly believe that my name would get me killed. So yes, my name is still William Cromwell, and I am indeed married to Rosa Cromwell."

Eran's cheeks reddened as he realised how foolish his question had sounded. The man sitting in his chair on the other side of the room was still his father, despite it all. However, something still felt off - abnormal. Granted, it was his father, but his secrecy thoroughly bothered Eran. He shook his head in an attempt to dispel whatever was left of the dizziness.

"Does mother know?"

"Yes," William said softly.

"Were you ever intending to tell me?"

"It depends. Naturally, I did not want anyone else in on this. "

The situation was strange to say the least, Eran thought. His father, a mage? Working as a crown appointed scholar? His father's genius quickly revealed itself.

"That's the reason you're a scholar! You're a magician literally under the Order's nose!"

William grinned and gave a brief nod. "Sharp as always! It'd be practically impossible to discover what I can do, yes. Anyone would imagine that I was only experimenting for the king. "

Eran sat still, pondering the whole situation. Not only was his father a sorcerer but he was one right under the Order. Being caught in the act would surely mean the deaths of him and the whole family. That is, if he was caught.

It all made sense, and Eran knew that if he were in his father's situation, he would have done the same. After all, it was the most logical choice. Regardless, Eran had already decided that he would never forgive his father for his actions even though what he did was logical. This petty stubbornness was something he had inherited from his mother, and was well aware that he was being illogical at that point.

William noticed Eran's sour expression. "You have every right to be upset, but know that I did what I did to protect you. I did not choose to become a sorcerer, I was born with it."

"I'm well aware," pouted Eran. "What you did was absolutely correct. It still doesn't make it right."

Eran's father nodded in understanding.

"Anyway, what will happen now?" Eran asked.

"Nothing. We continue as we have," William said, looking much more comfortable now. "I do my research, and you do what you do,"

Eran had expected that reply from his father. However, he had something different in mind.

"Teach me."

William's expression grew sour. "I am not going to bring you into this any more than I must. Regardless, do you not realise that magic cannot be taught?"

Eran nodded. "Yes. I'm perfectly aware. Frankly, I don't care about magic itself. What I do care about is what you know."

"By the gods. Have you lost your mind-" William said, but quickly realized that this moment, this very moment, was as if he was speaking to an apparition of himself a decade ago. He vividly remembered having a similar conversation with his grandfather what felt like centuries ago. He assumed that the situation was entirely similar with Eran: he had a scholar's soul which gifted, or cursed, him with an endless thirst for knowledge.

He smiled, but Eran noticed an odd glint in his eyes. Was it sadness?

"I suppose it can't be helped. I have been absent for too long."


Author's notes:  Hello again friends! This concludes the first major chapter of my writing project! I hope you enjoyed it! Pop a comment if you'd like to ask or share something with me, and remember to vote if you enjoyed the story! It helps me become more visible and  and allows me to develop as  writer. Again, thank you for your reads, votes and comments, they are all very much appreciated!

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