the sound of footsteps

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As Ash labyrinth walked through the halls guards straightened, maids hurried through the halls ahead, butlers dusted and cleaned, everything was usual but as they turned the corner  to the library they heard it the sound of running feet not the normal speed of the maids but rather the sound of a party of adventurers.

As Ash heard it they signaled to the guards to ready and ash turned and moved towards the throne room and as soon as they got there and sat down the door bust open.

"We are here to stop your evil reign you .... uh, evil doer" the leader of the group of adventurers yelled out "really we had lots of time and that is the best you could come up with" the spellcaster of the group muttered out

"He's trying his hardest"the small healer had said "oh shut up periwinkle I don't need your help" the leader and supposedly "choosen one" blurted out while smacking the small healer periwinkle upside the head she fell over and the two other adventurers just laughed

As they were distracted ash had calmest they could had walked over to them and stabbed the spellcaster through the chest with a spear that was on the wall periwinkle having had seen this got up to heal the spellcaster but was beat back down by the "choosen one" having had not seen nor heard the  injury of his comrade he said "why you getting up so quick i want to enjoy a little more of -" then he got knocked out by Ash.

Periwinkle crawled over to the spellcaster and tried to heal them but their body disappeared showing the summoning spell the had if they died in action, periwinkle looked over to the leader of the group and he disappeared just as she looked over so with no one to look at she looked down at the tile of the floor waiting for her end so she could go back to the board and find someone else to take her in cause she had failed to keep this group safe

Ash looked over at periwinkle and did some analysis this looked like a child with the height and overall mannerisms and this child had gotten hit and barely reacted only falling over do to the force of the hit. So Ash walked over and picked the small teenager up and carried them over to the door and set them down

"Do you want to leave?" Ash asked and for once periwinkle could not answer she just stared at the floor something was stopping her from saying yes maybe it is fear maybe it is a want for safety 'wait why would i be safe here' periwinkle thought and she looks up and meekly asks " am I allowed to stay?"

Ash was honestly surprised yeah her staff stayed but they were getting payed why would a small child like well this one want to stay so Ash was gonna ask "why?" They looked around and then back to the little mint green haired girl wearing an oversized ragged cream white dress

Periwinkle stood up she only stood to Ash's waist her dress hitting the floor on the longer peice of fabric in the front, Ash grabbed Periwinkles hand and started walking and as they walked Ash asked some questions "what is your name?" "Periwinkle" "why were you hanging out with those... people"

Periwinkle looked down and didn't answer "ok touchy subject got it" Ash muttered as the two walked they finally got to the to the door Ash wanted and Ash opened the door to show a large but mainly empty room with only a large bed and on the opposite side of the room of the bed was a empty dresser Ash standing in the doorway mentioned " we will be going to the nearest market to get you some good clothes ,and I can send some guards who can stop by your old residence to collect some of your items also I need your old address"

Periwinkle who had walked to the center of the room just said" I can join them but all I got are some small trinkets so we are gonna need to buy a lot of items" she then stopped in her tracks and looked over at Ash and then loudly whispers" If that is ok with you miss"

Ash cringed at the word miss and replied " I am not a woman" "but aren't you a queen?" Asks periwinkle, Ash turned away and stated" I may be a queen but I am not identifying as a woman" periwinkle looked confused but didn't mention anything about it to Ash so instead she asked "what should I call you then?"the tall being that is Ash looked back and said"I prefer they/them pronouns but you can call me Ash or if you want you can call me Monarch"

Periwinkle thought for a moment then remarks" OK Monarch thank you for letting me stay" Ash nodded and left the room to make arrangements for Periwinkle's transition into their realm.

As Ash entered the library they remembered what they were going to do they were going to study more about necromancy but they needed to figure out how to keep periwinkle safe in the different realm so they did just that. As they were doing that periwinkle walked into the library and walked over to the shelves and picked up a book on healing bruises.

As Ash finished their 3 book they found periwinkle still on her first book around one quarter in it was a big book but they have been in the library for three hours and Ash had a couple questions mainly"how old are you "ten why are you asking" Ash's face seemed to have soften but they didn't say anything just turned and walked up to one of the guards and seemed to be talking to them showing the book in their hand

"We got it" one of Ash's henchmen yelled while running into the library, Ash did a motion to quiet down but the henchmen walked over and handed a necklace with a light indigo jem the jem was small but looked magical and emanated a gentle glow.

Ash approached Periwinkle, who looked up from her book, curious about the interruption."This necklace will offer you protection," Ash explained, gently placing it around Periwinkle's neck. "It's enchanted to repel harm and enhance your resilience. Wear it always, especially in realms where uncertainties linger."Periwinkle, feeling the comforting weight of the necklace, expressed gratitude. "Thank you, Monarch. But why are you doing this for me?"

Ash looked at the child and said" I felt that you would need some protection in my realm I know how dangerous it is"

1136 words

This is my first chapter i have written for wattpad so I hope you enjoyed and have an amazing day/night

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