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𝐒𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞: 𝐀. 𝐂𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐱 𝐁. 𝐒𝐰𝐚𝐧


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· · ─────── · NO ONE'S POV · ─────── · 

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

· · ─────── · NO ONE'S POV · ─────── · 

Back in Seattle in an abandoned Cannery, Riley and Victoria, were in an embrace, a dark, discomfiting mirror image of the previous scene. They're on a secluded catwalk, away from the newborn army.

"You're not coming with us?" Victoria shakes her head, "It will be a last minute decision. I told you how it works." Riley nods, "Right. The Cullens have powers." Victoria pulls away, ever so slightly irritated by his tone.

"Don't underestimate them, Riley. You'll have the numbers, but they'll be able to... ... anticipate your every move." Riley looks at her, "According to your friend." She looks at him, not sure where he's going with this. She circles him.

"Yes. My dead friend. Laurent found out about the things they could do, and they killed him. But not before he told me." Rileys scoffs, "Maybe he was wrong. I mean... This is supposed to be... Cullen territory."

"But we've been tearing it up and I've never even seen them here." Fury flashes in her eyes. She's suddenly standing several feet away from him. Victoria scoffs at him, "You don't trust me." Riley shakes his head, "With my life. I'm just saying that..."

He trills of when Victoria touches his check. "I'm doing this for us. So that we can feed, without their retaliation. I can't live in fear anymore, waiting for them to attack." He's suddenly next to her, wrapping his arms around her.

"I won't let them. I'm going to end the Cullen clan. I swear." She looks at him, then kisses him, hard. "I love you. So much." He embraces her but over his shoulder, her eyes go flat, the emotion disappearing.

The next morning, in the woods, a pin pricks Bella's finger as a single drop of blood appears. Bella touches her finger to the side of a tree. She moves up the trail to the next tree, touching it was well. A cold wind blows. The clouds above are dark. She continues, making her way to the clearing in the woods.

Bella emerges into the empty field. She touches another tree. Alice comes up behind her. "The newborns will be frantic. Now let me put a bandage on that." She reaches for her left hand and she lets her mate gently put the bandage on comfortable.

"Everything okay?" They spin to find Jacob across the clearing. He approaches, Bella nods. "Yeah." Jacob nods and then eyes the cloudy sky. "There's a storm coming soon." Alice mutters as she pulls Bella closer to her.

"Yeah, I can feel it. We should get going." Jacob mutters as Alice nods. "I'll set up the camp." Alice mutters as Jacob nods. Alice turns to Bella and kisses her forehead, "I'll see you in a couple of hours." She grabs her bag and some gear, leaves. Jacob and Bella share a smile as he slings her onto his back.

In an abandoned Lumber yard on the water, Riley leads the army of new borns across the ghostly yard. They move at a trot, leaping over pyramids of rotting logs. As they head for the water, Bree though has doubt on her face.. she doesn't want to do this...

She just wants to go home...In the woods, Jacob runs with Bella, maintaining a steady jog, effortlessly carrying her weight. She holds onto him, her mind heavy with concerns. Later that day on a misty deserted beach.

Riley rises form the water. Muddy and drenched but unfazed by the frigid water. He doesn't break stride, simply heads for the woods. One by one the rest of the army appears behind him. They follow Riley, picking up speed.

First walking, then running, back in the woods. Jacob who was still carrying Bella was now climbing the mountainside, going up and up. Jacob & Bella reach the peak where Alice waits near the tent.

Snow falls in earnest now, glacial winds blow, Jacob sets Bella down. They hurry to the left side of the peak to find a campsite standing against the sheltering face of the peak. Alice stands by the tent, waiting.

She smiles as she sees her and runs up to her to hug her, as she hugs her she turns to Jacob. " Thank you." Jacob nods. Bella turns to Jacob as well. "You should get back before the storm hits." Jacob shakes his head. "I'm staying."

"You'll need my connection to the pack, to keep tabs on what's going on." Bella nods with Alice, "Let's get you inside." Later that night, snow blows sideways as the wind batters the tent. A light glows from inside.

A lantern burns. Bella's wrapped in her down sleeping bag, fully dressed, she was cuddled up to her mate, they were both giving a quiet. purr at each other. In the morning the wind had died down.

The ground is white with snow, the campsite eerily quiet. The tent unzips and Bella climbs out... to find a wolf staring taring at her. "Leah?" Bella questions when she doesn't know who is front of her.

Lean as a wolf nods, Bella looks around to see her brother gone, "Where's Jacob? Did he already?" Bella asks, "No not yet." She turns and sees Alice behind her, "He's checking to see if the woods are clear before he goes."

She wraps her arms around her. "Nice to see you, Leah." Leah nods and jogs off, deciding with Alice back. She can go back and help the others but while stay close. "So since you said you'll marry me, think your name should be Mrs. Cullen?"

Alice asks as she smirks at Bella who blushes. Bella thinks for a moment, "Well Mrs. Cullen does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it pixie~" Bella purrs as she leans into Alice watching as her eyes widen.

"Damn, guess I'll have to start calling u Mrs. Cullen now." Jacob states as he grins as he winks at Bella making her look away embarrassed. But everyone stops when they see Leah running out of the woods while, growling.

Alice gasps as she gets a vision making Bella look at her worried, in the vision in the clearing of the woods. A pair of male feet step onto the wet grass. It was a newborn and a hungry one. This is gonna be easy, the newborn was ready for a fight.

"It's starting." Alice states with a look of horror, Bella growls.


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(EDITING) SHE'S MINE! A.CULLEN X B.SWAN.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن