Chapter one -Lily

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 Lily was a thirteen-year-old girl born with something that no one ever was born with. She was born with the gift called the whisper. The whisper is a power where you can hear things that no one can and you can whisper back to them. But this power can be life-threatening. Little did Lily know that soon her powers would turn into something no one wished to happen to them.

Lily was born into a rich family but her parents never really cared about the money after Lily came into their lives. Lily's parents were so happy when Lily came into the world. They had been trying to get kids for years but hadn't had much luck then in August Lily's mom was pregnant and they were so overjoyed they had a baby shower and everything. After Lily was born, her parents learned that Lily had aphonia, which means that she couldn't speak. Her parents were broken hearing that their daughter wouldn't be able to speak.

10 years have passed and Lily is now a junior high school student. She walked into her new school feeling nervous and she could hear her best friend, Ash singing her favorite song, Ash is her ghost best friend, They became friends when Lily was 6 years old,

6 year old Lily 

Little Lily was walking in the forest of her house well she heard a cry in the distance. She followed the sound of the crying, and when she found the source of the crying she gasped. There was a boy who looked transparent with chestnut eyes and hair so smooth as her doll's head. and was sitting on a piece of log with his head down and he was sobbing softly. Lily felt a ping of sadness so she walked up to the boy sat down on the log and put a hand on the boy's shoulder. "H-hello," she said a little shy, Lily looked around to see who said that and then realized that the voice was her own, she just was stunned at the sound of how beautiful her voice was.  The boy turned his head and looked up to see Lily looking very concerned. He wiped the tears that were falling from his cheek and sniffed. "h-hey w-who a-are y-you." he stuttered. Lily just rubbed his back. The boy stared at her and was thinking "Who is the girl and how can she see me" but he asked "Um are u okay and how can u see me." he said with a bit of roughness in his voice. Lily just looked at him and started using her hands to tell him what she wanted. She pointed at a couple of lilies then at her signaling to the boy that her name was Lily. The boy looked from the lilies to  Lily and finally got it. "oh your name is Lily that's a beautiful name." Said the boy,  He was smiling a bit and Lily smiled while nodding, happy to know that the boy understood what she was saying. The boy was smiling and was looking at Lily with a rather admiring look. Lily looked up to see the boy staring up at her so she looked for something to write with, she looked for quite some time but found a piece of stick just lying two feet away from her. She walked up picked the stick off the ground and went to the boy. She stopped at least a foot away from the boy and started to write on the sand. The boy looked at what Lily was doing, he got up from the piece of log and started floating to see what Lily had written. He was hovering over her shoulder and as she wrote the boy saw what she wrote. 

"What is your name?" when Lily was done she looked up and found that the boy wasn't where she left him Then she felt something touch her shoulder and she jumped and almost hit the boy in the face. She scrambled back and saw that the boy was floating, she blinked a couple of times and then her face turned white in fear and she was shaking badly. The boy saw what was happening got down to one knee and said "Hey hey it's okay I'm not going to hurt you." He said reassuringly. Lily looked at the boy and calmed down a bit. The boy breathed a sigh of relief got to his feet and held out his hand. Lily looked up and saw the boy's face as if he was saying it's okay I am here. She reached out her hand slowly and took the boy's hand. He pulled her to her feet and then hugged her. Lily blinked in surprise and then hugged the boy back, clinging to him like he was the only thing holding her, after a few minutes the boy drew back and shoved his hands in his jean pocket, and smiled. "Names Ash, Ash Smith." He said with a smirk. Lily blushed and hid behind her hair. Ash laughed and said, "Come on how am I supposed to see that beautiful face of yours if u are hiding it?" Lily giggled and pushed her hair behind her hair and looked up at him. Ash was looking at her with the wind blowing his chocolate brown hair out of his face making him look like a male model in the sunlight. Lily felt her heart leap a beat ahead and her face felt warm. She took a deep breath and said "So um Ash wanna be my friend and my ghost buddy for life?" Ash thought for a minute and took out his pinky finger. "let's swear on it."

Lily smiled and took out her pinky finger linked it with his and said "Best friends for life!"

Ash smiled and Lily smiled back.

Lily came back to the present and looked over at her best friend. He was smiling at her and the light of the school hallway made his skin look so slinky smooth. Lily blushed took her textbook out of her locker and closed it. she made her way to her homeroom class with Ash right beside her. When she entered the class she found that all the kids were so different and the way they dressed told her a lot about them. Lily can identify who someone is by looking at what they wear. Lily walked down the row of seats and chose the very far back seat, when she got there she sat her stuff down and sat down. She looked around the room and just observed things. After a few minutes of waiting the teacher came into the room and asked everyone to go back to their seats. Once everyone was in their seats the teacher told the class that they had a new student and everyone turned their heads to see Lily sitting in her seat. Lily gave a little wave and went back to staring at her desk. The teacher told the class that Lily couldn't speak due to her condition and she told the class to welcome Lily into their class. 

"Alright class open your books to page 37 please." asked the teacher.  Lily got out her textbook opened the page to 37 and followed along. After the bell rang for the second-period class. Lily packed her things and started to head out of the class when a hand was on her shoulder. She turned around to find Ash holding her pendant in his hands. Her eyes widened and she looked down at her neck where her pendant should have been. She took the pendant from Ash and put it back on her neck.  After school was over Lily walked out of the school with all the kid's eyes on her, as she made her way to her limo she saw the girl that was in her homeroom class standing with a guy about 6 foot five and he had his hands on her waist as if he was trying to protect her from Lily. Lily sighed and looked up to see her butler already having the door open for her. Lily got into the car and looked out the window at all the kids who were laughing and chatting with their friends. The limo backed out of the school. 

when the limo arrived at her mansion she smiled and opened the window to feel the wind in her face. The gate that was surrounding her mansion opened up and the limo drove into the driveway and stopped. Lily's butler got out of the limo and opened the door for her. Lily got out with Ash right beside her. Lily looked up to marvel at her mansion that surrounded the east coast of the forest. Lily walked up the steps of her mansion and was greeted by her mom and dad who she didn't get to see very much. She ran to them and threw her arms around them feeling a little teary. 

"Oh honey, we missed u so much." Said Ms.Lightwood said with tears in her eyes. Lily started crying and used her hands to describe how she was feeling and her parents knowing what she was doing with her hands just nodded and hugged her. Ash stood at the sidelines and watched as the Lightwoods reunited. When Lily came out of her parent's embrace she was wiping her tears and was smiling. Her parents looked down at their daughter and said 

"Well, darling we have a big surprise waiting for u in the living room!" Said Ms.Lightwood

Lily tilted her head sides a little confused as to what the surprise could be but she just took her parent's hands and went inside her mansion with her parents happy to have the missing piece of her heart back.

Hey guys Riya here. I have been working on this for quite some time and I hope u all enjoy it!!

Looking forward to hearing ur thoughts on it!!


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