Chapter one- Love

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Lily felt like she was floating on air she felt like she was going to be floating like this forever. But then she heard a whisper in the silent breeze. She thought she was imagining it, then suddenly it grew louder and soon was loud enough for her to know she wasn't dreaming at all. She followed the voice to where it was coming from and soon she could figure out what the words it was saying.
"Lily dear please wake up we are here for you, you just need to wake up!". The voice that sounded like her mom's voice asked. Lily felt like she should follow what the voice was telling her to do, but all she wanted to do was hide in this pit of darkness- which felt so nice and safe- forever.
"Lily please wake up, I know what it feels like just to want to hide away in the darkness forever but trust me it will never get better if you just keep hiding so please just come back, we need you and want to have you back with us. Please I need you. Please love wake up. Wake up wake up wake up." The new mysterious voice kept repeating. Lily slowly started to retreat from the darkness and started to flow the light. When she thought she made it she felt like a hand was grabbing her and trying to pull her down. She tried to get out of the grip but it just kept pulling her down. She looked and found a dark shadow trying to pull her back and it must have been hungry. Lily thought that it was over and that the monster was going to win but then she heard the voice again telling her "You can do this Lil you can do this just don't let the darkness win!" Lily felt a flare of fire spark in her and she started pushing and shoving the darkness away. She kept telling herself she would not give in to the darkness. When she finally felt like she was free of the darkness she felt like she was more lighter and that she could actually breathe. She soon reached the light took her hands and cupped her hands around it. She curled herself in the light and let it carry her away from the darkness. After a while, she moved a little and her eyes softly and slowly opened, she still felt as though her head was still on fire and felt like it was going to burst any minute.

Lily started to move her hands when she felt someone say her name, "LILY!" She felt two arms going around her and she was being pulled in a hug. Lily put her arms around her best friend and started crying. Abby started crying as well and she turned around after they broke free of the hug to look at Lily with a lot of worry and concern and love that she had for her. Lily smiled up at her and slowly reached up with her achy hand and slowly whipped the tears that were slowly spilling from her best friend's eyes like waves crashing into the beach. Lily slowly traced her hands down from Abby's face to her shoulder and then she slowly traced down to her wrist. Abby was holding her breath and was breathing rather fast. Her heart felt like it was beating 100th beats per hour. She was trying to think about how soft Lily's hands felt when they were on her face. Lily felt the change in her heart rate and the quick change of her breath. She looked up into Abby's lustrous blue eyes and smiled.

She took her notebook that was sitting on her bedside night table and wrote what she wanted to say to Abby. Abby looked down to see Lily writing down what she wanted to say but knew that she couldn't speak. When Abby first heard about Lily she couldn't believe what she heard, she knew her mom worked at a nursing hospital, but what she didn't know was that her mom was the one who helped Lily's mom give birth to Lily. When Abby was just turning 10 her mom asked her to help her fold some laundry. While they were folding laundry Abby's mom Ms. Meijer asked Abby a few questions about Lily. When all the questions were answered her mom asked her another question which was so important. She asked her daughter why she thinks her best friend can't speak. Abby was stunned by the question and just stood there thinking for a second thinking. She thought and thought but couldn't find the answer to her mom's question. So she asked her mom for the answer and her mom told her that Lily had aphonia, she told her it was a disorder that not all people get it. That Lily has it and has been struggling with it. Abby felt like her world just shattered. When she went to school the next day she rushed to her best friend and strangled hugged her best friend. She cried into her arms and told her that she would learn how to do sign language so that she could help Lily with her disorder. Lily finally gave her the notebook and it said.

"Dear Abby thank you for staying beside me and helping me with m- the disorder that not many people get. I never knew I would find someone so conscientious to help out a person with a disorder like aphonia but be willing to risk their social and family life to help someone like me out. I don't know what to say, I will be forever grateful for what you have done for me. You are a gift to anyone's life. You always look for the best in a person and don't let anyone down, I just want to tell you that I think it's time for me to repay you for all the help u have done for my family, your family, friends and most of all me. I am willing to do anything to pay you back for the gracious things you have done. You are a light to my heart and everyone around you. I love you girl, you will always and always will be part of my heart mind and body. I hope you just find some time for yourself, it is nice to be helping people and wanting to be willing to be more put out in the world, you just need to take a breather from doing that and just relax. That is all I wanted to say and I promise to find a way to repay you for the help you gave me over all these years, anyways I am going to end now by saying yes girl you rock with everything you do and keep on rocking and being the amazing you! Love you girl and always once you are done reading this I have a gift for you all you have to do is close your eyes.

that's it for now, and don't worry we are going to be doing a lot more fun stuff together while u are here and I have the perfect way to end your visit. so stay tuned and stay my super supportive best friend.!!

Lily your flower!"

Abby took a few moments just rereading the letter and fresh tears were streaming down her face. She felt as though she was on clouds. She never knew that Lily would be this grateful to have her in her life. Abby went to Lily and hugged her. Lily seeming to be surprised just hugged her back. She couldn't believe the amount of times Abby had helped her with her disorder and how many times to had to risk everything just to help her. She felt her heart ping with pain when she realized what Abby had to risk for just to be with her. Lily pulled back and ran out of the room crying. Abby who was in a daze snapped out of it, got up from the bed and ran after Lily!!
"Lily please wait where are u going?!!" Abby yelled and she chased Lily from the house to outside. When Lily thought that she lost Abby she stopped to catch her breath. She looked up to the sky and sighed in relief. She always loved being outside. The way the wind blow in her hair and the way the sun shone and made her hair looks so crispy golden. She turned and was about to walk back into the house when she felt a hand grab her and pull her away. She turned around to see who it was and then when she did she screamed. It was a masked figure. Her eyes widen and she went pale with fear, she tried to get out of the grips that the masked figure had on her but couldn't. The masked figure brought his hands on to her mouth and made sure she couldn't scream or shout for help. Lily was struggling to get free when she felt the masked figure put a syringe in her. she felt the pain then she started to feel dizzy and felt a sensation of some sort. She started to wobble and get really dizzy. she tired to take some deep breaths but couldn't with the mouth gag on her mouth. She felt her feet giving away from underneath her. She felt like the ground was getting closer to her and just before she blacked out she saw Abby coming out of the house with a look of fear in her face.

Hey guys it's been a while since I last updated I been just busy with fam stuff always I hope u all enjoy this chapter and there is going to be a snack peek to page four chapter one. I Hope u all enjoy and also there will be new characters revels happening In page four so stay tuned.
Sneak peek:

Lily felt as if she has been shot with a million needles

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Lily felt as if she has been shot with a million needles. she tried to wake up but the sweet scent of ashes and honey. She tried to talk but she couldn't because of the mouth gag that was on her mouth. She felt so dizzy and felt as if her head was going to explode. She tried to open her eyes, when she did she saw that she was in a dark room tied to a bed.

Hope u like the sneak peek!!!

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