Sunday, August 16th 2017

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Hello, my name is Flynn Rowe and I'm only writing this because I don't have anyone to talk to 

and If I keep it all in my head it'll probably explode. here are some basic facts about me,

I'm seventeen, I'm in 11th grade I have a little brother Elliot and my parents divorced because 

my Dad cheated. he'd never been the best dad but as far as we know he hadn't cheated before. 

mom got full custody, but Dad got visitation rights. Anyways It's been three months and he 

hasn't bothered visiting once. he called a couple of times but the conversations were short and 

cold. My brother Elliot thinks eventually he'll come see us but I don't think he should keep his 

hopes up. At my old school, I wasn't particularly popular, but I had friends. When I left they said 

they would call, but so far nothing.

enough about me, who are you? maybe you don't know yet, or maybe you don't know how to 

put it into words, or maybe you do and you're too scared to tell people 'cause you think they 

won't like you anymore. or maybe your life is perfect and you don't have to worry about not 

being liked. I guess either way you wouldn't be able to tell me. well, not me anyway. maybe 

when I'm gone you'll come to talk to my grave. Ah, who am I kidding? who would read the 

ramblings of a lunatic? my pens running out of ink so this is goodbye for now, I guess.

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