C.N|| One day

806 15 13

Y/n pov

Today, I'm meeting Connors extended family.

It's his mom's birthday party, and he said he has a lot of little cousins, I love little kids so much. (Not in a pedophile way 😭)

I'm in the backseat of his car with Brady in the front next to Connor. "You ready, baby?" Connor asks me, "yeah, " I say, smiling. "We're here," Brady says as we pull up to the venue.

We get out of the car, and Connor grabs my hand and leads me inside with Brady behind us. We head inside, and I see a  toddler run towards Connor, "Connor!" He screeches, I smile at the cuteness as Connor picks him up and hugs him. I see mrs.noon, and I walk over and hug her. "Happy birthday!" I say as I release her from my embrace, "thanks y/n," she says with a sweet smile, the twins walk over and brady hugs her  then Connor does "happy birthday mama" Connor says, "Yeah happy birthday mom" Brady says adding on to Connor  she thanks them and I go over to Madison and talk to her


well, I lost the boys. I walk outside and see them throwing a football back and forth with a bunch of boys. I laugh and watch them when I feel a tug on my jeans, I look down to see the boy Connor had hugged when we first came, I crouch down to his level "hi" He says with a big smile "hi" I respond

"Wanna be friends?" He asks me, I smile and nod my head. He puts his arms out, signaling to pick him up, which I do. "How old are you?" I ask him, "this many." He holds out 3 fingers, "What about you?" He asks me. "Oh,I'm 17" I tell him. He smiles and starts playing with my hair, "wanna play cars with me?"  "Sure" I say smiling, he gets down and grabs my finger, pulling me to a part of the sidewalk where there are toy cars.

We began playing with his toys when he stopped and looked behind  me "Hi connor!" He says yelling, I turn to see Connor with a bright smile on his face. "Can I steal her real quick thomas?" Connor asks, "Sure!" Thomas replies, I take Connors hand and we start walking away, "when we are older and married, let's have kids" I tell him, he smiles and brings my hand to his mouth pressing his lips to my knuckles, "one day baby, one day" he tells me and he kisses my temple and we watch the other boys play football.


I may be young, but when I'm older, I wanna have kids 😭

This was honestly so cute 😍

Requests are open guys

Bye ✌️


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